Profoundly Pointless

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Professional Chinbalancer Kevin Shiflett

Ladders, wheelbarrows, dinner tables. Professional Chinbalancer Kevin Shiflett can do it all. It’s part of a unique talent he didn’t know he had and no one else seems to have. We talk balance, performing nationwide and chins. Then, we countdown the Top 5 Rooms in House/Apartment.

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Chinbalancer Kevin Shiflett: 01:20

Pointless: 26:17

Top 5 Rooms: 48:25

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Interview with Professional Chinbalancer Kevin Shiflett

Nick VinZant 0:12

Welcome to Profoundly Pointless. My name is Nick VinZant. Coming up in this episode, professional balancing, and rooms,

Kevin Shiflett 0:21

I do wheelbarrows, like I said ladders, heaviest things are tablescape pretty heavy, all that attention that was on these awesome 10 people, all of a sudden is on me. And to hear that roar of the crowd and the excitement I something that's indescribable, I absolutely love it. It's addicting, you might say,

Nick VinZant 0:41

I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, subscribe, leave us a rating or review, we really appreciate it really helps us out. If you're a new listener, welcome to the show. If you're a longtime listener, thank you so much for all of your support. So I am fascinated by our first guest story, because he has developed a unique talent that he didn't really know that he had, and that no one else really seems to have. This is professional chin balancer. Kevin shifflett. So how did you get started in this?

Kevin Shiflett 1:23

I've actually been chin relevant since I was 10 years old. And I started actually witnessing it. I, my family night, we went to the circus. And there was a clown there that was balancing various items. And being inspired by that my brother and I both while we're doing our chores, we tried to balance a broom on our chins. And my brother couldn't keep it up. But mine stayed up there. So something that came pretty naturally. And then growing up, I just kept with it. And people would challenge me try this. Try that. And obviously as I got older and stronger, I could do bigger and better things. And I would do it for talent shows and church events and things like that. But professionally, I've been doing it since 2015. I had a contest, I happen to be living in Utah at the time. I am from Arizona, but I was in Utah, and they had a the jazz we're doing a halftime Talent Search, like the talent show contests. And I applied and made it through the ranks, got the votes and won and was able to perform our first NBA halftime show. And then from there, I've been able to travel all over.

Nick VinZant 2:36

So this is this is a full time living? Or how close to a full time living would you say it is?

Kevin Shiflett 2:42

It's not my full time. I don't know if I ever see it becoming a full time I have a family. So trying to balance no pun intended, but work life balance, trying to keep everything in order. If I was doing it full time, I'd be on the road all the time, and wouldn't be able to be with my family.

Nick VinZant 3:01

But if you let's say that you didn't have a family didn't have those kinds of considerations. Is the money good enough that like oh, you could? There's money in gym in chin balancing?

Kevin Shiflett 3:12

Yeah, if it was, if it was just me, then yeah, I would definitely consider making it a full time job going around and seeing different parts of the country meeting and working with a bunch of different fun people. I would definitely consider it.

Nick VinZant 3:26

So okay, just to kind of finish, I guess, in this kind of line of questioning, so to speak, right? Like, for a performance or for whatever. How much money do you do you get for that?

Kevin Shiflett 3:36

Yeah, it varies between by team and by event. You know, any event could bring in order between 1000 to $5,000. Just kind of depends on what's going on and where it is and travel costs, but 1000 to 5000 big range.

Nick VinZant 3:55

That's but that's a pretty good amount of money. I thought that you were gonna say like, hundreds. So when you were starting out, right, like when you were 10 years old, I think you mentioned Did you ever think like I'm gonna someday,

Kevin Shiflett 4:07

someday. I was content with being the winner of the talent show. Just as a church talent shows, things like that, but I am forever grateful to my friend, he happened to be at the Jazz game and caught a little snippet of the broadcast on the Jumbotron saying we're looking for halftime acts or halftime Talent Search contests. And he immediately as soon as he saw texted me, Kevin, Kevin, you got to do this. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even even probably known about it and wouldn't have applied and wouldn't be where I'm at today.

Nick VinZant 4:47

So like, What's the secret to chin balancing? Like?

Kevin Shiflett 4:53

People ask that like how can I do it and it is something like I said it did come naturally to me. I picked it up on it. It's Did I just make it work, but essentially, anything that I'm balancing kind of like a broom, straight objects are the easiest. And if you're balancing something on your hand, you're watching the top. And as it leans to the right, you move your hand to the right, just keeping that straight. And so whatever I'm doing, whether it's a wheelbarrow or ladder chair, basically, I'm imagining can quickly my body is able to do it just since that broomstick, you might say, going down the middle of the object, and keep that broom straight. So if you can get it up there, and that's my thing, if I can lift it, I can balance it. So as soon as I get it up there, I'm able to real quickly feel that Senator balance and keep that broomstick straight and go from there. So as long as he can lift it, and he can balance it or put it on your chin, just my advice is keep the room six straight.

Nick VinZant 5:54

You got okay, but is there something like, right, because we're doing this through zoom, and you can't completely see people, right? But is there something like unique about your chin like, I've got this flat chin that, like another chin balancer would look at your chin and be like, That guy's gonna be a star. He's got the chin for it.

Kevin Shiflett 6:13

I'll let you in on a little secret before a performance I go. Right now I have a little bit of a beard. But I don't shave for about three days. So I have enough sandpaper on my chin so that nothing slips off. But I grew up I actually did apply back in the day when Jay Leno was on TV. I tried to be out do the stupid human tricks kind of segment and trying to focus on the chin because he was known for his chin. But as far as actually, anything specific about my chin, it makes me do it. I don't I don't think so. But maybe so.

Nick VinZant 6:51

Okay, let me I'm going to try this. Right. So I've got my phone, like if I was going to balance this out, how would I do this?

Kevin Shiflett 7:01

Yep, just like that. Yep.

Nick VinZant 7:03

But you can't move with it. Right? That's the trick.

Kevin Shiflett 7:06

So I moved slightly, especially smaller things, if I moved slightly, especially bigger things, I might move my feet a little bit just to get that to get the feel. And then once I'm I got it, I stay there, but it shows I'll turn around to so once I get feel that quick spot, then I do start to move just to in an arena setting. You want to kind of show the whole audience what you're doing. So I just do a full circle, things like that.

Nick VinZant 7:37

So where do you need kind of the strength? Right? Like, do you have to do neck exercises back? Like, I mean, a wheelbarrow is not a light thing, right? I don't think that would I don't think that evolution designed us specifically to bat for this talent. Like what do you got to do to kind of build that up?

Kevin Shiflett 7:56

I definitely I chew gum, keep my jaw. Good. I go to a chiropractor to make sure my neck and back are all worked out. I think growing as I grow older, I'm sure that's gonna be the first thing that goes is probably my neck and my back. But keeping keeping that nice and strong, it's always good for me.

Nick VinZant 8:18

Now, how much will you practice?

Kevin Shiflett 8:21

I would if people asked how she practice my practice, like it does come naturally. So if there's a new object for some somebody says try this, I'll do that my practice. I don't run through my whole routine. Unless I'm like getting for ready for a game. So if my practice is mainly comes from, hey, try this or I'm walking through the store, Home Depot, Lowe's something. Hey, that's cool. And if you're having my wife sometimes like, oh, what does he's doing? But my practice is comes into everyday just trying new things.

Nick VinZant 8:56

So you're just walking through Home Depot depot balancing like random shit.

Kevin Shiflett 9:02

Yeah, not not sponsored. It would be cool. But yeah, I just walked through and wherever I'm at like, especially something that looks unique. Then I try it. Yeah. All the time.

Nick VinZant 9:14

Now is when you try something like that, right? Is it more success or more failure?

Kevin Shiflett 9:19

More success. I I have a knock on wood. I have never dropped anything. Whether in a performance or in a store. It's it's always fun to like Home Depot, they have a really high roof. So like, if it's something that's color, I don't have to worry about hitting anything either. But yeah, nothing's ever. Nobody's happy.

Nick VinZant 9:39

I don't know if this is necessarily a question, but I'm always fascinated by this kind of stuff. Like what if somebody just has a complete, hidden unique talent? And they just never discovered? Like, would you ever thought that I can balance things on my chin like nobody could believe

Kevin Shiflett 9:54

it. I love talking to people that I haven't seen in a long time because they They just like me, they think the same way. Like, I would have never thought that little eight year old Kevin would turn into what he's doing today. Yeah. Is it set a testament to me to always try new things and just be your best and try to develop your own talents?

Nick VinZant 10:21

How crazy man? Okay, so like the quote unquote business of halftime performing, right? Like, how do you go about getting things do they come to you? Do you have to like hustle? Like, how does this kind of all work?

Kevin Shiflett 10:34

It goes both ways. So since I started with the Jas people reached out to me in networking has been great. As you get to know more people throughout the industry, then you get invited to their to their teams or to do different events. I am actually wearing a shirt this year, I was honored to perform during the All Star Weekend up in Salt Lake. And so it's fun to do one team. But at the All Star Weekend for the NBA, it's kind of the Super Bowl in a way that all the different teams are there, the different representatives is great to see my old friends from all these different teams within meet a lot of new people. And so as you meet new people, and they see and get to know you, then they invite you to come in and perform.

Nick VinZant 11:20

How many other chin balancers are there?

Kevin Shiflett 11:24

Anybody who picks up something tries to balance as a team balancer, right? But I'm not sure. But I consider myself there may be other two militaries that but I consider myself the chin balancer,

Nick VinZant 11:36

the chin balancer, right? Like you don't personally know of anybody else who's

Kevin Shiflett 11:41

I don't people who try it. But for me personally, I know, I don't know anybody personally.

Nick VinZant 11:48

Nick, crazy weird, though. Can you balance other things? Like do you have good balance outside of that? Or is it like, Nope, it's the chin or it's nothing?

Kevin Shiflett 11:57

Yeah, oh, my face, I can do various things, depending on the weight, can put it on different parts of my pay for my hand or my foot even?

Nick VinZant 12:05

What's the hardest part of the body to balance something? Is the chin easier than other places? I mean, I would think the hands are obviously the easiest, right? Like,

Kevin Shiflett 12:13

for me in attendance probably the easiest because I definitely don't think I could do a wheelbarrow on my hand. I think that's where the neck and the back do allow me to do the heavier things because it's the holding out a wheelbarrow in my hand wouldn't work as well as I can sustain the weight on my body. I guess weight distribution. I'm not a scientist or, but somehow it all works together.

Nick VinZant 12:38

Does it hurt? It's got to hurt, right? Like a wheelbarrow on your chin. That's got to hurt a little bit.

Kevin Shiflett 12:44

It depends on the I balanced it on the handle. So it depends on the shape of the handle. But in general, unless it's an object that's sharp, it's not so much my back or anything that hurts. It's actually my skin, what's jabbing into me. But afterwards, you know, I always travel with the roller, where I stretch out my back and get so I'm all loose before and after a performance.

Nick VinZant 13:13

What's that? Like when you go out there man in the middle? Because right like halftime? There's a lot of people there. What's that kind of like for you?

Kevin Shiflett 13:20

I wish I could put it into words how awesome it is. But to for NBA game, for example, you have five players in each team. And they're all stars. They're awesome basketball players. So 10 People that everyone is watching. And then it goes to halftime and all that attention that was on these awesome 10 people, all of a sudden is on me. And to hear that roar of the crowd and the excitement I in a performance. I like to start with smaller items and then work my way up. And to hear the roar of the crowd is something that's indescribable. I absolutely love it. It's addicting. You might say,

Nick VinZant 14:01

now, though, are they really wanting to see you balance it or they kind of wanted to see it fall?

Kevin Shiflett 14:06

That is, again, I haven't regretted anything and I do not want to be on the sports side or not top 10 If says you probably like what can you do it? Can you do it? There's definitely that suspense. I hope that I hope I bring that my goal is to bring that memory to them to bring that moment that they're there to enjoy the time. And part of that is that suspense of thinking like, oh, what's next? Is he really gonna do that? He can't do that. yet. I

Nick VinZant 14:35

was watching some of your videos and I was definitely like, Okay, you're doing a pencil. You're doing this all right. You can't do that.

Kevin Shiflett 14:44

Yeah, and that's exactly what I aim to bring it to someone kind of divert their attention like, oh, yeah, well, it's up to you to really help bring it to the individual person

Nick VinZant 14:59

or Are you ready for some harder slash listener submitted submitted questions? Let's let's do it. Hardest thing to balance.

Kevin Shiflett 15:08

The hardest thing to balance his my checkbook. Oh, there

Nick VinZant 15:13

you go. Oh there you go

Kevin Shiflett 15:15

younger listeners, what's the checkbook? I do wheelbarrows, like I said ladders, heaviest things are tablescape pretty heavy, particular table that I really like to balance is by a company called Mighty light. And again, no promotion. But although it's called Mighty light, they're not light. So some of the although, as you say, what's the hardest? One of the hardest things is I think about it is actually a wheelchair wheelchairs are pretty heavy, not heavy, but they're just unique. You have a lot of moving parts. And probably, I had to say what is the hardest thing? I probably say, wheelchair.

Nick VinZant 15:59

How much is a table way?

Kevin Shiflett 16:02

I do all sizes of tables. But the typical table that I do is an eight foot table and it's probably 30 to 40 pounds. I guess I haven't weighed it.

Nick VinZant 16:13

It's just doesn't seem like it's a good idea for your body to

Kevin Shiflett 16:20

tell that to 50 year old Kevin and a few years. But

Nick VinZant 16:23

yeah. How are you gonna explain that to the doctor? Right? Like I could just imagine like, what do you do here? Well, balance tables.

Kevin Shiflett 16:33

I have an awesome chiropractor and and if I go in for a massage, like I show a picture, this is why I'm here. I need you to go as deep as you can. And work me out.

Nick VinZant 16:42

I'm easiest thing. And then surprisingly easy thing. Like oh, this is the easiest. And this thing is like oh, that was actually much easier than I thought it would be

Kevin Shiflett 16:54

the easiest things are anything straight and select a shovel. And when I balanced things, the heavy part is up on the top. So a shovel, the actual shovel part is up on the top, and I'm able to control it easier. Surprisingly easy is a wheelbarrow high there. It has a good solid point from the handle. And I'm able to keep it up. wheelbarrows are probably my favorite thing to balance as well.

Nick VinZant 17:22

What's the longest you've ever done something for Right? Like are we talking like you get it on there for a couple of seconds? Or how long can you do something?

Kevin Shiflett 17:28

In a show? I only go about 10 seconds. I could go much longer. But I'm trying to get through everything I have. There's a YouTuber, his name is Josh Horton and I was on his show one time and we did an unrecorded Guinness World Record of balancing a ladder on my chin i i did break the record, I do need to figure out exactly how long I could do it. But I can't go for quite a long time. But when it comes, like I said to a show it just a few seconds, depending on timing to from toward the end, I'm trying to get through everything as well.

Nick VinZant 18:05

What's kind of like, okay, what's something that you've been like someday I'm going to work my way up to this.

Kevin Shiflett 18:12

I'm always if your listeners if anybody has any ideas, I'm always looking for ideas. And as long as I can lift it, I can balance it. So there's nothing that comes right to mind saying, oh, I want to work my way up to that. It just as people send me things I'm always willing to try. And I'd be more than willing to take their suggestions.

Nick VinZant 18:33

Now. Okay. Are you the greatest chin balancer of all time?

Kevin Shiflett 18:37

I know. So. Yes, I believe and no.

Nick VinZant 18:42

Is there anybody else that was like known for being a good chin balancer? Or are you the best in balancer because nobody else is to

Kevin Shiflett 18:51

the clown that I saw at the circus? Oh, yeah. I and I not certain, but I think it was a John Weiss. Who was that clown? And so he he's kind of the one that I consider who inspired me to do that. So yeah, I've seen other there's different videos. I guess going back to your question of other team balancers. I've seen videos of people on cruise ships and there's different circus acts. Were there are people that they balance things. In fact, actually in the second a circus in high school. You have the different voting Oh, who's gonna be the most successful and who's gonna do this and I was voted most likely to join the circus in high school.

Nick VinZant 19:36

Was this before people knew you were a chin balancer or was this after though? Oh, this

Kevin Shiflett 19:41

was it? I did it growing up so everybody knew I balanced in the yearbook. I actually was balancing Libero and what really stuck about that picture is base wise. They had everything you know, most likely to do this and most best dressed all these different things. And so they had my pick Sure. And it was cut off. So the wheelbarrow didn't show the top. And everybody knew that I balanced different things. And but everyone, and that's the page I would turn to to sign for the yearbook. But because it was cut off, everyone's like, Oh, it's fake. Like, nobody believes it is. Like, it's real, I promise, but it was just cropped.

Nick VinZant 20:23

Um, man, that's pretty much all the questions that I got, right? They're all kind of basically along those lines. But what's kind of coming up next for you? How can people get a hold of you? That kind of stuff?

Kevin Shiflett 20:33

Yeah, I'm excited. I have my first actually in June. We're now June 1, June 24. I'm going to be in Pittsburgh for the river house. Soccer team there. I've never done a soccer game. So I'm excited to do that. Then right now, it's the WNBA season. So I have a few things in the work for for that. And then October starts back up the in the NBA season. Right now. It's the during the close to the NBA season, they've been able to do several playoff games right now. And the finals are starting today as well. But yeah, I keep everything up to date on my social media. So everyone can find me just at Chin balancer. And that's on everything just at Chin balancer.

Nick VinZant 21:18

Now, like, how many shows will you do a year, on average,

Kevin Shiflett 21:22

this year has been my busiest. So I did about 2022 shows since October. Roughly two to three a month is where it works out. But again with my family. And I have church duties as well. So trying to keep everything balanced is the key.

Nick VinZant 21:44

That's, I can see that man. Like if you were doing a lot of shows, that could be a solid living, right? Like you're not living in a mansion, but like that's not there. Is there a shelf life, right? Like I've only got I can only do this.

Kevin Shiflett 21:59

I'm not looking for I'm not even imagining when it's going to end, but I know that they're there. Just like any performer, I think there's that time where opportunity costs and body cost on when it would end. But right now I'm loving it and love. For example, my kids, they were finishing up their school years here in Arizona, we end in May. And so I got to go to their schools and perform during assemblies and nothing beats it. So I'm going to as long as I can do it, I'm going to I'm going to do it.

Nick VinZant 22:34

I had a question. Okay. But wait a minute. And it's something that I noticed and I wanted to ask you this could be controversial in the chin balancing community is facial is facial hair cheating?

Kevin Shiflett 22:45

I can do it without it. But like I said, it helps me have that friction. So I didn't. For me personally, it's about three days where I can just, it's just enough where it keeps everything from slipping. If I'm clean shaven, I can still do it. But there's more chance that it could slip off. And I don't want that

I don't think I do as kind of a cool thing that happened to me. So and in sharing my talent, I am a still mind boggling to think about this. But there's a bobblehead. It's called the National bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum. And they reached out to me after a performance and said we saw your performance in there based in Milwaukee. So I was performing for the bucks. And I got this email. We'd love to make a bobblehead of you. And I thought, what, like, I thought it was fake in all honesty. I just can't be. But it was real. And they went ahead and designed the chin balancer bobblehead. So like you said, there may be other chin balancers and but in the Tim balancing community, there's only one bobblehead it's actually it's available for purchase. i The proceeds from it actually go to an organization. A friend of mine runs on ALS research.

Nick VinZant 24:21

I want to thank Kevin so much for joining us if you want to connect with him. We have linked to him on our social media sites. We're Profoundly Pointless on Twitter, tick tock, Instagram and YouTube. And we have also included his information in the episode description if you want to see him balance some of this stuff. And it is one thing to kind of hear about balancing a wheelbarrow or a ladder. It's another thing to see it. Our YouTube version of this episode will be live on June 8 at 430 Pacific. So real quick, I wanted to tell you about a special offer from one of our sponsors, one where you can get 16 free meals, plus free shipping from HelloFresh. If you're not familiar with HelloFresh, you can get farm fresh, pre portioned ingredients and Seasonal Recipes delivered right to your doorstep. And that, to me is the best part because I really, really dislike figuring out what's for dinner and HelloFresh delivers mouthwatering, Chef crafted recipes and fresh ingredients to your door so that you can spend your time doing something else doing what you really want to be doing. And right now HelloFresh is offering a special offer, all you have to do is go to 16 We'll put a link in the episode description, and then use code pointless 16 to get 16 free meals plus free shipping. Again, that's 16 and use code pointless 16 to get 16 free meals for free. And find out why HelloFresh is America's number one meal kit. Okay, now let's bring in John Shaw and get to the pointless part of this show. What part of your life do you find the most difficult to balance?

John Shull 26:26

Oof, definitely the work life balance.

Nick VinZant 26:30

Because you feel like you stay at work too long, you do too much. Or you just don't want to be worrying, or you just don't want to be working in general.

John Shull 26:37

I'm gonna say it's because I have a job. That's 24/7. But at the same point, a lot of it's my fault. Because I haven't created those boundaries. But do

Nick VinZant 26:46

you actually know anybody? And super, like famous jobs don't count, right? Like athletes or celebrities and stuff like that. That doesn't count. But do you know anybody who you would say like they really really like their job? Like if it was for free? They would still go and do it?

John Shull 27:03

I mean, my wife says she does. But you know, I beg I beg if she's actually telling the truth or not. I don't even know. Here's the thing. I don't know if people work because they I like athletes, I'm not even sure that LeBron James even loves playing basketball anymore. I think that work is something that as a as a culture we've made too important sometimes.

Nick VinZant 27:26

But do you okay, it's better to put a percentage on it? How many people do you think actually, like their jobs really like it? And would do it? If they were completely financially set?

John Shull 27:39

I'm gonna I'm gonna say probably 15 to 25% I think there's a quarter of the population that actually like what they do. And if, if they were financially set would still do it, regardless of of being financially set, I think they would still do the job.

Nick VinZant 27:55

I'm gonna go ahead and say two to 5%. I think it's way lower than that.

John Shull 27:59

I think I think you're not accounting for all the people who feel like work is their purpose. And I'm, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. But there's a lot of people I feel who, you know, maybe they don't have great home lives, or maybe you know, maybe they just feel fulfilled,

Nick VinZant 28:14

I would go no higher than 10% 10% is my max limit.

John Shull 28:19

Definitely 25 is the higher the high end for me. i If you had to ask me to give a pinpoint accuracy or a pinpoint statistical number, I would say 19.6%.

Nick VinZant 28:32

Okay, okay. All right. Let's let's do some shout out.

John Shull 28:35

We're just we're moving on here. Hmm. Let's see. We'll start with Patrick Newman. Aiden Lovelace. Max Giroux, Lester Rodriguez, Derek, Jacob. Logan see wrong. Matt Sardinia. Benjamin waits. Jake Forscher. And Brendan Murphy. Congratulations. You get

Nick VinZant 29:04

I think you're getting a little bit better. I think you're getting a little bit better. compliment you. Thanks. Definitely. I mean, do you feel like well, how much effort do you feel like you put into pronouncing those names correctly on a scale of one to 10?

John Shull 29:17

Well, so when I when I write them on the list on an email that I send to Nick, usually every, every afternoon or morning or whatever, before we record, I say them out loud to make sure we're not I'm not getting fooled, right. Because, you know, people can be pretty creative sometimes. With their with their languages. So I ah, that's smart. I usually say them out loud. And then And then, you know, throughout the day, I might be looking at my emails and I just go through them again, but at least once for sure before I say them because I don't want to there's a pretty famous viral video clip of a of a podcaster you know, kind of getting duped and saying something that, you know, they they shouldn't have and I don't think they're podcasting anymore. So I don't I don't want to accidentally walk into that. So I make sure that I don't I don't do that.

Nick VinZant 30:04

Good. Good. As you know, like doing your research is important. I'd like to just jump right in and see how things go though.

John Shull 30:09

That's always been you and always save save

Nick VinZant 30:13

tomorrow's worries for tomorrow.

John Shull 30:15

All right, got a couple of bangers Auria uh, I think I know the answer this question, but I'm really hoping that you give the other answer. And that is, Are you a big box store guy? Are you doing everything online nowadays?

Nick VinZant 30:31

What's a box store Exactly? Like Walmart. I don't know what

John Shull 30:34

a Walmart. I'm trying to think of what's out by you like for me to be a Meijer. Something where you literally have to go into the store to purchase something not ordered online.

Nick VinZant 30:44

The only store that I'm going into is Costco, and I am a married man. And as part of marriage, I think is an excellent delegation, right? There's certain things that I take care of, there's certain things that my wife takes care of. I don't know anything about what we buy, how much we spend on wine, or how much we spend. That's what I know. But like, when we're buying groceries, what we're getting what we need to go for the house. We're going on vacation soon. I don't even know when it is, where we're going, how we're getting there. She's going to tell me like the day before, I'm going to do some laundry thrown in the bag. And there we go there. And you're like, I don't I don't pay any attention to it. I don't know where we're going. I don't know when we're leaving. I don't know where we're staying. The same

John Shull 31:26

clothes, have the same haircut be the same? A decade ago?

Nick VinZant 31:31

Exactly. I'm just gonna I just exist, there are certain things that I pay absolutely no attention to. And that's one of them. And it works out. Like every couple of you got to find what works for you, man.

John Shull 31:41

So this is more of a question than necessarily a F or that. But what is the best dipping? Wait

Nick VinZant 31:47

a minute, wait a minute, what was the what? What's wrong with box stores? Are you trying to go to like individual locally owned businesses to find soaps and various different things? Like what's your deal with box store?

John Shull 31:59

No, I'm just finding it to be I'm hitting that point in my life, I guess or our point in life, to where I'm finding it easier to go, oh, man, I need toilet paper. I can go to Costco or I can go to Meijer or I can order it off of Amazon. And it'll be here sometimes, like by six o'clock that night. And it's the same price if not cheaper.

Nick VinZant 32:22

Do you know that they invented that back in like 2020. And everybody's been doing that for three years? Why are you just now getting on this board? Well,

John Shull 32:29

I probably am a few years behind and whatever trend is out there right now. I won't learn of it for at least three years.

Nick VinZant 32:37

Do you not learn of it? Are you stubborn? Because it's been my experience that you're stubborn, right? Like we went 100 episodes before you finally said okay, I'm gonna get a microphone. Yeah, it's probably stubbornness. It's stubbornness. Right? And you shoot yourself in the foot. You're making your life more complicated. You say you don't have a good work life balance. Maybe that's because you refuse to just order toilet paper online and you got to go to the store and look around for it for hours. Stop being so stubborn.

John Shull 33:02

Si Si sound like my wife, you should go out and have drinks or something and leave me alone.

Nick VinZant 33:07

I don't understand why people don't listen to other people. Other people are excellent. Especially people that know you a little bit are excellent at looking at the things that you're doing and being like, you could probably do this, but people refuse to listen to them. Listen to the people around you, man. They have some good advice.

John Shull 33:24

Well, I'm not. I'm not gonna listen to any advice you give me.

Nick VinZant 33:28

Right now gonna listen to it. So you're going to spend your days until 2028 They'll go gotta go to go to go drive over to Walmart. Or you could just order that online. No, no, go do it.

John Shull 33:40

I will say this, that you are correct. And one one statement is that there's that you don't listen to the people that probably know you the best.

Nick VinZant 33:49

Right? You don't want to listen, man. And I think that maybe we could take spend some time and do some like psychotherapy here. Like why don't you want to listen, John? I mean, are you afraid people might have the truth? Are you afraid to trust people? Let's

John Shull 33:59

see. So I'm gonna we probably would have had a psychotherapy guest on here. At some point, I'm sure.

Nick VinZant 34:04

I think we did. I don't.

John Shull 34:06

I don't think we have actually. But that might be somebody.

Nick VinZant 34:09

We had a therapist on here. Her name was Lisa something she's actually very helpful. Did you figure that? Are you going to answer the question? Like, why don't you listen to people?

John Shull 34:18

I think because I'm the kind of person and this doesn't make any sense. I got it. I gotta do it. I got to experience it. You know what I mean? If you tell me to, you know that if I jump off the mountain, I'm gonna break my arm. Well, I don't think I'm gonna break my arms. I'm gonna jump off the mountain and give it give it a try. And I'll break probably both my arms.

Nick VinZant 34:38

Okay, well, mine seems to be working out well.

John Shull 34:43

Your guide said, can I tell a story I got to tell the story real fast because tell us or tell us right? I went all day today without telling the story to a single soul and I actually should be held a hero for this. Okay, so over the weekend we're making friends with a Another couple in our neighborhood and they have a young child, my older daughter's age. So about four or five years old. We're okay. We're over at their house and we're, you know, we're hanging out. It's like mid day. And there's a kiddie pool probably, I don't know, probably three feet high, whatever. There's some little kids around obviously that my, our oldest and our youngest mine, my youngest doesn't like waters, but he doesn't she doesn't go near it. They have an 18 month old, right. So we're, their mom and us are sitting there talking the dads inside cooking some food. I see the 18 month old run towards the kiddie pool. Next day know the 18 month olds in the kiddie pool. Kind of as soon as I see the arm start to flail, I go Can Can your 18 month old swim. And I don't think I've ever seen someone react as critically and as hysterically as her mother did. But she was only in the water for maybe five or six seconds. But I'm gonna go on record and say that I save that baby's life from drowning.

Nick VinZant 36:00

Um, you probably did, I'm going to go on record and saying that normal human decency is not something that you should try to take credit for or act like you're a hero for, like, Hey, I saw an 18 month old and tall and prevented them from drowning. You should have I

John Shull 36:14

just say I did. I like well, you're just gonna watch I have to tell you, I

Nick VinZant 36:18

don't look like it's smooth swim. I mean, it's good. It's great. But

John Shull 36:21

it was kind of for two reasons. One, that reason and two, I have never been in a situation like that. Where and I guess I'm gonna get serious for half a second but I mean, it could have been real bad real fast. And I mean, you know, it's just drowning. I mean, it can happen in the blink of an eye and I've never really been privy to that. It was it was quite a scary thinking about it afterwards, but I really didn't turn out okay, the night continue. The baby was fine, but could have been way way worse.

Nick VinZant 36:51

Yeah, I don't I feel like you probably shouldn't have even asked and just went after the child. Although I used to be a lifeguard and I would say one thing you learn is like you will fuck around with water. Like there's no second chances. The fact

John Shull 37:05

that you are a lifeguard scares me and that you know, I wasn't sure because this was our first time interacting with with this couple and I didn't want to jump up especially if the child was just you know maybe fell or something and could swim I don't want to overreact and you know them think that I was the you know the overreact of parent but regardless it all worked out fine. Baby baby was fine. Everything was good, but I mean it you know, keep an eye on your children

Nick VinZant 37:30

a lot of people drown man into summer you gotta be careful around water Yeah, yeah,

John Shull 37:33

it's not there that's my that's my tip of the tip of the month Heading and Heading in you know into our June or June episodes here. Just be careful around water.

Nick VinZant 37:44

Do you want to start a new segment real quick?

John Shull 37:48

I don't I don't know do I want to start a new segment?

Nick VinZant 37:50

It's called okay, it's called celebrity death. And see if you can pinpoint what year this celebrity died. Okay. Barry White What year do you think Barry White died?

John Shull 38:00

Oh god man.

Nick VinZant 38:02

Take your guess. I'm bringing this up because my wife and I while high we're playing this game like just thinking of it and she was incredible at it like she could get it to the month and year.

John Shull 38:13

I mean, Barry White.

Nick VinZant 38:15

I don't look it up. I'm

John Shull 38:17

not looking it up. I mean, okay,

Nick VinZant 38:18

give me a guess.

John Shull 38:21

I have 2018 2003 I mean, I I almost said to 2000 like 2021 or something like maybe died during the pandemic but 2003 That's a

Nick VinZant 38:39

Yeah, that was you are nowhere close. Okay, all right, let's say

John Shull 38:43

was that it was just one of them. Just what's the leverage? I'm just gonna do one

Nick VinZant 38:46

to see if you can guess how close to the celebrity the year celebrity death

John Shull 38:51

All right. Well, let's see my second question for you is is cheese the best kind of dipping sauce isn't hands down just the best?

Nick VinZant 39:01

Yeah, it is ultimately no matter what it's ultimately cheese and you can have variations but if I had a choice between other things and cheese, cheese is ultimately the best Yeah,

John Shull 39:10

cheeses. Okay, fair enough. Somebody tried telling me that ranch was better than cheese and not even close.

Nick VinZant 39:18

It's a stupid statement. You should have immediately slapped that person. All right, like there's some things that people say that just need to go to check them and saying that ranch is better than cheese is a foolish statement. You may like ranch more than cheese. But you can't say that overall Ranch is better than cheese because it's it's just not you're not putting ranch on chips. Especially like tortilla chips. Yeah,

John Shull 39:39

no, you're not you're not doing that.

Nick VinZant 39:41

Exactly. That person's an idiot. Who was it?

John Shull 39:44

All right. Well, that's a call you an idiot. She can't hear what I just said. So that's good. Hopefully we edit that part of the podcast. Let's see. So every week I know Nick, you pitch did follow us like us all that stuff. But we do put up a little poll All on our Twitter, Profoundly Pointless, obviously, where we list four things off and then y'all pick them pick what we talk about out of the four topics. So here are the topics today are for this pool across the spider verse was released a couple of days ago. Apparently it's better than the rest of them the animated you know, live. Stop live. Spider Man movies, as movies are actually pretty good. Haven't seen one of them. And I'm not sure I ever will.

Nick VinZant 40:32

Pretty solid, good movie good soundtrack,

John Shull 40:34

the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary that is coming out in Netflix, where apparently he reveals all and, you know, kind of gives his side of the story officially on everything he's been through in his life. And it is kind of a crazy story. If you don't know like, beyond the the superhero actor side of him politician side. his upbringing was kind of incredible. So I'd say check it out.

Nick VinZant 41:00

Okay, I just don't understand for things like that, how we don't already know every single thing about that person. But as many times as he's probably been interviewed, and all that stuff, you probably think that you've know every single thing about him by now.

John Shull 41:13

Let's see. The final choice that did not win was pigs. And I put pigs on the list because we were at the zoo on Saturday morning. And it was like 90 degrees, it was really hot, really humid. And here are these effing pigs is running around in the mud, having a great day. And then there was the one you know, the one that just standing there all day just not moving. So I thought it might be fun to talk about picks, but no one gave a shit. So what one, the Apple VR headset that was announced recently, at a hefty price when it does come out, I believe next year of $3,500. So that's attainable for maybe 2% of the world. So that's good.

Nick VinZant 41:55

I feel like that's something along with meta, whatever meta is doing, like they're just gonna force that upon us eventually. Nobody wants it. Nobody wants to do this, but they're just gonna force it on us. It's like a new story that nobody cares about. And they just keep talking about it endlessly until eventually, well, like, what did happen with that. They're just gonna, they're gonna make us do this.

John Shull 42:19

But like, is it really that? I mean, I would never pay over $300 For one,

Nick VinZant 42:25

I have no desire to do that. But that is going to happen. Whether we like it or not, it's going they're going to they're going to make it happen.

John Shull 42:33

Do you think that that is the future of video games? Will that replace consoles and PC games?

Nick VinZant 42:40

I think the future this is the only thing that I'm looking for. I don't care about virtual reality. I want them to skip straight to the point where they can like transport our consciousness into it. Like in Ready Player One. That's what I'm waiting for. Don't give me the half assed version. Give me the whole thing.

John Shull 42:57

I don't know if that's accurate or not. But somebody was telling me that the Skyrim The Elder Scrolls, folks, someone is making a mod to where you can literally talk as the character in the NPCs the non playable characters in the game will react to what you say.

Nick VinZant 43:13

Yeah, I think the technology is at a point right now where it's about to get scary for us. Like, oh, maybe we shouldn't be doing these things. I think we're at that point,

John Shull 43:23

Terminator two. Here we

Nick VinZant 43:24

go. Skynet better.

John Shull 43:26

Anyways, that's it. So are you ready?

Nick VinZant 43:30

Okay, are you ready? I'm ready. All right, so it's time to go I still think that sounds like a horse. The Outlaw candles connoisseur, Rides Again, candle in the mud.

John Shull 43:46

Someday we'll have enough of a budget where you get like a real soundboard?

Nick VinZant 43:50

Absolutely not.

John Shull 43:51

But until then I don't care. Well,

Nick VinZant 43:53

I don't care if this podcast becomes the biggest podcast in the world. And we make a billion dollars. There is nothing that is going to change about it. We're still going to do sound effects ourselves. Mark my words.

John Shull 44:06

I mean, how many times you asked me to do an impersonation and I'm god awful at impersonations. So don't care. I know I don't need to class it up. Right. That's what people like they don't you know, they like the realness stay from the street Anyways, here's a candle the month. So head over to your your favorite Target store. wherever that is, and I was actually really impressed with with this candle. It's from the Be Loved line of target or from Target candles. It's a vegan scented candle for all you vegan diets out there. That's even a word. It doesn't mean I have no idea. We'll get to it anyway. Whoa, this guy. I have no idea why it's what it means that it's vegan or people eating the wax. I have no idea either way. So it's red ginger, red ginger. Ginseng in citrus.

Nick VinZant 44:57

That's the name of the candle red ginger tea. rinsing and citrus yeah and

John Shull 45:01

it creates a lovely aroma you can get it three wick to wick they also have it in different you know you can get like canned gels soap but obviously I want the candle because you have to Yeah I think it's 1599 you can get it online i don't know if you can get it in store I haven't did not go through the store but this this line of candles recommended to me the beloved line from Target and it's it's awesome it's proven I've gotten three different kinds but this is by far my my favorite kind of candle from from this line that I've had it's three wick you know I love my three weeks, right? I don't want to wait no two weeks 15 ounces will burn up to 40 hours. So check it out. Head over to What

Nick VinZant 45:48

does it smell like? Well, what does it smell like?

John Shull 45:50

I mean all three of those aromas mixed into one there it's it's a little different. It's not the traditional it's not a layered candle. It's kind of all mixed into one and there are notes of of certain, you know, like you might get a little ginger might get a little citrus, but they just mix for I don't know it's just it's an aroma that you wouldn't think of works. But watch works.

Nick VinZant 46:17

Okay, I have a new challenge for Oh boy. So since I don't have a sense of smell, describe the smell of this candle as a sound. What would it sound like tell me let me experience it as well describe it as a sound.

John Shull 46:32

So imagine taking a lemon and lime cut them in half you squeeze the juice you can see the mist coming from the juices okay all right into a bowl you cut up some ginger you get that little crack of the ginger you know as you're chopping it up mix it up. Well that's not a mincer but you get it I don't even know what that is

Nick VinZant 46:56

just not do that. It makes it that's never that's never

John Shull 46:59

do mix that in with the citrus get a little ginseng. Pablo ginseng on top mix it up maybe put it in the microwave to kind of get the you know the juices flowing a little bit maybe a little okay nap crackle pop of the you know maybe let it go for

Nick VinZant 47:14

so What sound is this? Because this this sounds like cooking instructions.

John Shull 47:18

No try to try to make it you know

Nick VinZant 47:21

trying to try to stall and you got lost right?

John Shull 47:24

No I don't I don't know what sound I mean. It's probably did a

Nick VinZant 47:29

clean sound like a clap like a clap. Clean sounds a fresh sound

John Shull 47:34

it's if I had to Yeah, if I had to describe it as as an actual sound Think of it like a maybe like a waterfall.

Nick VinZant 47:42

Okay, see now you're talking

John Shull 47:45

like it's gonna seem Russia it's gonna seem overwhelming. But it's not it's very refreshing refreshing. And if you're if you're quiet enough if you're still enough you might just go into a little bit of of a trance you might just escape into another world

Nick VinZant 48:01

might learn something about yourself you might okay all right, didn't you I mean you got a terrible start but you save it at the end well

John Shull 48:10

yeah, we we came around on it we got it I still don't know how on earth the candle the month ever became but apparently people like the segments so

Nick VinZant 48:21

yeah, okay another segment that people seem to enjoy our top five so our top five is top five rooms in a house or apartment What is your number five

John Shull 48:32

so my number five is a basement

Nick VinZant 48:35

oh I completely forgot about basement basement solid I consider basement to be all one room I don't care how many rooms are in there it's all the basement to me yeah

John Shull 48:43

it's all a bit nobody ever says you know the bedroom in the basement or the bathroom in the basement say I'm going to the bathroom in the basement or I'm going to lay down in the basement it's never you know individual rooms it's always just the basement

Nick VinZant 48:57

right right there's a weird thing see now our bait most basements finished in where you live

John Shull 49:04

No. And it this is probably common for a lot of areas but like most of this area is below sea level or the grass is higher than the houses so the water flows towards the houses which makes no sense. So lots of problem a lot of people have water issues like I did but not anymore. Thank you sump pump.

Nick VinZant 49:28

Okay, good. Good to see we were able to talk about your basement specifically. Um, see no i I'm from originally from Kansas and all the basements in Kansas are finished because you have to go down in there when the tornadoes come so everybody's basement is like a thing. It's like a real it's like a part of the house not something underneath the house but basement. Okay, I can understand number five basement and number five. I can't even put it possibly higher on the list. I did it. But my number five is a porch slash outside area. I think a porch makes a home. A porch sets a tone for what's going on inside got a good porch can have a good house?

John Shull 50:03

Yeah, I guess I don't necessarily think of a porch as a room. But for the sake of argument, I will I will allow that that's a good choice. I'm gonna put it on my honorable mention. Because I think that I think the top four are almost interchangeable in terms of rooms. But well,

Nick VinZant 50:24

I thought about this a lot, and I completely disagree with you number four.

John Shull 50:28

So my number four is the dining room.

Nick VinZant 50:33

Okay, for all right reasons.

John Shull 50:37

It's, you know, it's yes, it's a place where most families eat. But that's kind of it. I mean, it's not, it's not the most personable room in your house. And you don't spend a lot of time in there, at least most people don't. And I'm just talking about a standard layout. By the way, I know some people, their dining room is like their main room. But let's just let's just say we're just talking about, you know, a standard house with a separate room, separate bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room area. So if we're doing that, my number four would be the dining room.

Nick VinZant 51:08

I think the dining room is completely irrelevant. When I was growing up, the dining room was a place you didn't even go into. No one was allowed in the dining room you ate in the kitchen. And the dining room was a place no one went.

John Shull 51:20

I mean, did you have a table in the kitchen? Yeah. Okay. All right. The

Nick VinZant 51:25

kitchen table if you will.

John Shull 51:26

See, and I I don't have a I have a dining room table. I don't have a kitchen table.

Nick VinZant 51:32

I honestly just realized that there's a difference, right? I guess we have a PC, we anyway, this is a whole thing. We don't need to go into the ins and outs there. Babila. My number four is the bedroom.

John Shull 51:43

So So yeah, so my number three is the bedroom.

Nick VinZant 51:48

Okay, I don't think you can insert in a central place. All the only reason that I put her bedroom even on the list, is I think that you just need a place where you can kind of go to be away from whoever else is in the house or to be with whoever else is in the house. But otherwise, you don't need a bedroom at all.

John Shull 52:06

Yeah, so bedrooms are, I probably would have put it higher on the list. Because I feel like a bedroom can be a sanctuary for somebody like it's their safe place in the house. You know, it's obviously where their bed is, whatever or should be your bed is. But um, I just I couldn't put it above my, my number. My number one are my number two.

Nick VinZant 52:28

Okay, my number three is a laundry area. You got to have laundry in your house. And that, like I have lived the life where you've got like laundry stuff in the basement of the apartment complex or in an offsite location. And that's one of those things that man Oh, laundry is incredibly important in the house.

John Shull 52:50

I mean, it is but if I don't think it's I don't think a laundry room is top five. You know, I'd actually probably not even put it in maybe the top seven.

Nick VinZant 53:01

You're gonna say laundry is not an important part of the house.

John Shull 53:04

I mean, it's important, but if we're if we're going room by room, I mean, it's not. It's not a place that I want to spend any time in. Actually, it kind of annoys me to do laundry. I'm gonna do it wrong. Like it's always usually in the basement or like a far back room somewhere that's kind of tucked away

Nick VinZant 53:26

I didn't hear she said the microphone thing

John Shull 53:27

didn't know did it? Did it cut out on everything because that's angry. I don't know. Anyway, I

Nick VinZant 53:33

don't know if it finished. Okay, say what you say your joke that I didn't hear at all no,

John Shull 53:37

it wasn't a joke. It's just the laundry room is usually in the basement. It's tucked away. It's if it's on the main floor of your house. It's in the back of the house like it's not a room you want to spend a lot of time in laundry itself is kind of a pain. It's like dishes is kind of a pain in the ass to do. So I you know, no, it's not a room that I want to be in.

Nick VinZant 53:57

But it's an important it's an important room. I'm not saying it's a room you want to be in but it's an important room. It's essential, right? It's like what your water heater is. You don't want to be in there. But the water heaters board

John Shull 54:08

I swear to God if you have like utility closet as number one I'm going to lose my mind.

Nick VinZant 54:14

I could have had utility closets up there shed should also be mentioned. Ah okay, what's your number two,

John Shull 54:19

my number two is the kitchen.

Nick VinZant 54:24

So then your number one is the bathroom. I have that reversed. I think that the bathroom the kitchen is more important than the bathroom because you can go outside. You can go outside if you need to. You can go to the bathroom outside, you can shower with a hose outside. That's why to me the kitchen is the most important so I have bathroom at number two and kitchen is number one.

John Shull 54:48

So once again, like I said you could really interchange at least one and two for me but a kitchen is important. I spent a lot of time there I like to cook you know it's just kind of a relaxation point. I mean I listen I don't have a big kitchen so I'm not trying to make it sound like I have a gigantic kitchen but it's it's a part of my house that I probably one of my favorite parts but the bathroom man ever since I've been a little a little wee lad the bathroom for whatever reason has been like my Myers solace plays it's the most awkward thing. I get it like it's weird, but like, give me a half an hour in the morning. Just to you know, just just to be in there and like it's going to be a good day.

Nick VinZant 55:31

What are you doing in the bathroom? Are you just hanging like wait a minute, how much time on your average day do you spend in the bathroom?

John Shull 55:38

Every I mean every morning I'm in there for at least a half an hour

Nick VinZant 55:42

doing what

John Shull 55:45

depends? I mean I mean I might be you might yeah might be I might be on the toilet. I might be in the shower. I might just be sitting there with all the doors shut the lights off on my phone like I don't know it's like I said that I know it's not normal. I know it's kind of weird but I will say this as a little bit of a defense for me is I think I think everybody no matter what age you are has a spotlight that whether it's on the couch, whether it's in a room to where it's like your safe place is like your spot to where you think like this is the greatest spot in the house. And for me that is that is the bathroom.

Nick VinZant 56:23

The only reason I'm really going in the bathroom is to do something I don't want other people seeing right i and you can take that in whatever way you want to take that and showering doing something else doing something else. I'm going to the bathroom

John Shull 56:37

I'm not even referring to that like I'm not even I'm not even on that level but to be honest with you I'm just I just I just I don't know I just it's just my place just

Nick VinZant 56:48

want to hang out in the bathroom I don't guess I don't really have a place in a home so just my plan just kind of go where I want okay what's in your honorable mention like really? Not that many more rooms in a house I don't think we don't have studios.

John Shull 56:59

I mean there really isn't i mean i To be honest I could probably tell you the things I don't have all my list more than things I have on my list like I don't have an addict on my list now no one no one the laundry room don't have that a sunroom do have a sunroom on my on my honorable mention if you have a sunroom those can be kind of cool as it's like mine and it's gigantic pile of shit. I didn't know if if if you were gonna say garage counted or not because it's not really a room.

Nick VinZant 57:29

If it's attached to the house I feel like it is does count as a room.

John Shull 57:33

Well then I had that I definitely would put it on my honorable mention if we were doing that. Yeah, and then there's some other rooms but like normal people don't have these rooms, right? They don't have like a you know, conservatory or drawing room or, you know, a wine cellar most normal people don't have those side and I didn't bother.

Nick VinZant 57:54

Were you just thinking of clue when you were saying though?

John Shull 57:58

I do have a beer cellar, by the way, but it's literally the most janky just it's it's just like something cut out of my basement to work. Just put beer bottles like on rock. That's all it is.

Nick VinZant 58:10

Oh, so it's just like a door to the outside that you call it a beer cellar?

John Shull 58:13

It's nothing. It's nothing special. But it's like my own. If I could fit in there. I would but I can't even fit my head in there as well. Okay, what's your reaction?

Nick VinZant 58:23

Um, I'm a fan of the family room. Right? I think that the family room is one that the only reason I didn't put the family room on the list is because well you don't absolutely need it. You can you can get through with anything else but I like a little gathering space like a family room that isn't I do like a utility closet. You're going to need all of that stuff that's in there. A shed. I don't know if that technically counts as part of the house but a shed is a very solid thing to have. And a garage garage probably should have replaced porch for me is number five. But garages inborn

John Shull 58:56

garages are very important. And so our sheds are many reasons.

Nick VinZant 59:01

Can't go wrong with sheds, man. Ah, okay, that's gonna go ahead and do it for this episode of Profoundly Pointless. I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, subscribe, leave us a rating or review doesn't have to be a some big thing. Just a couple of quick words. It really helps us out. Let us know what you think are the best rooms in the house. I really do think that it comes down to bathroom and kitchen. But kitchen is number one, it just can't be replaced. I mean a bathroom. You can kind of go to the bathroom anywhere if you really wanted to. But there's only so many places that you can make food. And if you don't want to make food. Don't forget about that special offer from HelloFresh use that code 16 use code pointless 16 At that site I just mentioned for 16 free meals plus free shipping. That's a pretty good deal. I mean it really is Is