Professional Arm Wrester Michael Todd

With 20 National Titles and 16 World Titles to his name, “Monster” Michael Todd is one of the best arm wrestlers of all time. We talk arm wrestling techniques, how to get really strong, broken arms and more in this episode. Then, we countdown a special arm themed Top 5.

Michael Todd: 01:08ish

Pointless: 26:03ish

Top 5: 39:35ish (Michael Todd Website) (Michael Todd YouTube) (Michael Todd Instagram)

Interview with “Monster” Michael Todd

Nick VinZant 0:11

Hey everybody welcome to Profoundly Pointless. My name is Nick VinZant coming up in this episode, strong arms and the best body parts.

"Monster" Michael Todd 0:21

I am not genetically gifted to be predisposed to be good at armwrestling I just have a disgust for losing that most times outweighs my opponents desire to win. So I got into a lot of compromising positions and matches which is the reason I have lost over nine and a half inches range of motion my right arm, my right elbow has been fractured over 70 different times by L roll is horrible. The X rays terrific.

Nick VinZant 0:42

I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, like download, subscribe, share, we really appreciate it really helps us out. So our first guest is one of the greatest athletes that you might not have heard of. And he competes in a sport that we all have done at one time or another. This is professional arm wrestler, monster Michael Todd. So is this something that you set out to do? Or was this something that just happened?

"Monster" Michael Todd 1:12

I grew up in Arkansas. I actually was a martial artists first. So I dad took me to see Karate Kid. And I said I've got to take karate. So I started taking Shota current karate then I switched over to Taekwondo. But I actually thought growing up I was gonna be like a martial arts action hero guy thought that's what I was gonna do. I thought I was gonna be in movies and I was going to be kicking everybody's butt and turned out mess around in high school used to always arm wrestle my dad when I was 15 years old. I finally meeting my senior in high school, I could pretty much beat everybody. I was an English Driver's Ed and votec I was taking auto mechanics and they pointed out a guy and said that guy right there a second state. You got on a cafeteria table and meetings I usually go to this tournament of the Swain county fair 31 years ago that I've won 21 world titles 36 National trial 36 national titles enough for the year 30 plus times.

Nick VinZant 2:02

Why are you so good at it right? Are you just unnaturally strong? Is it like the lever of your arm? What Why are you good at it?

"Monster" Michael Todd 2:10

I am not genetically gifted to be predisposed to be good at armwrestling I just haven't discussed for losing that most times outweighs my opponents desire to win. So as a kid, I was pretty strong. You know, I didn't have a real good hand and risk because I didn't do a lot of manual labor. I wasn't the hate Holland. You know, country arkansan guy I was kind of, you know, more laid back chillin watching TV and stuff. So I had a strong arm. And for a long time, throughout my career, my arm was very, very strong. My head and wrist was weak. Or so I got into a lot of compromising positions and matches, which is the reason I have lost over nine and a half inches range of motion my right arm, my right elbow has been fractured over 70 different times. my elbow is horrible, the X rays terrific. But now, the last 11 years I've really focused on my hand and wrist a lot. So

Nick VinZant 2:57

you see what I mean? When I think of armwrestling I'm just thinking of my arm right? Like I've arm wrestled before, but I wouldn't ever say I know what muscles I've been using. Like what's the dominant muscles that you're using when your arm wrestling somebody

"Monster" Michael Todd 3:12

What you're trying to show right there you're trying to push sideways arm wrestling is not a pushy sport. Most people start off arm wrestling, just against her dad or friends or whatever thinking it's just push your opponent sideways. armwrestling pulling sport. So the biggest muscle you're going to use is your back. But it doesn't matter how strong your back is, if your hand and wrist isn't strong enough to support it, it won't matter. So what you want to do is you started to sit in the table hands in the center of the table, left or right. And on go you want to pull your opponent to you as quick as you can get to be you the betters and give you more leverage and then less leverage. And so if your hand and wrist isn't strong enough to support that pressure, you're in and wrestle, you open up your own arm, you expose yourself to your opponent. It's funny because people think there's so much technique involved in there is like if I take two people, I take a set of twins and I teach one how to arm wrestle. He's obviously gonna kill the other. But that doesn't mean that it's all technique and not strength. Strength is so subjective. Someone will look at a guy who's gonna make benchpress or big squat, big deadlift, like that guy strongly. You just know how to arm so you just know the technique. Though his benchpress deadlift or squat muscles are stronger than my arm wrestling muscles are highly developed.

Nick VinZant 4:15

Are you pretty strong though? and other things right? Like, obviously you're very strong arm wrestler, but are you like is your squat great is your bench. Great.

"Monster" Michael Todd 4:24

I've done a 585 squat a 605 deadlift in the 520 minutes. But I've had so many injuries right now I'm probably afford 25 minutes, probably maybe a 495 squat and probably a 550 deadlift, but I don't do those. I'm 48 years old. I've been competing for 31 years. I don't do a lot of those traditional powerlifting moves anymore. What I do is I train just one day aren't one day back one day like one day shoulders one day inside each one of those workouts I do armwrestling specific exercises.

Nick VinZant 4:55

What are some like what's an arm wrestling specific exercise,

"Monster" Michael Todd 4:59

I have a two inch thick pipe that I slide over in the bar, and I roll up weight this way down, I roll up laid back that way, outside of a pulley system, there are certainly cable a handle and an armrest and table in front of a pulley system. And I mimic armwrestling with this specific handle that's going to make it you know, use my technique which is outside top row. And I'll do that and then I'll take battle ropes and it's funny because people are looking at my battle ropes in my training circuits and like Oh, you're not doing the battle ropes, right? I'm not trying to do the battle ropes for cardio. I'm trying to do the battle rope. So it blows up my hands because they're two distinct veterans of blows and the teacher Hands up. So my circuits like it's so funny. Right? You must work out all the time. I work at about 15 minutes a day. It's just the hardest 15 minutes you've ever seen. But it worked out because it's non stop. I set a timer and I don't stop until I'm done.

Nick VinZant 5:46

But he's one of like, is your dominant hand bigger than the other one from just all the injuries or from the work or

"Monster" Michael Todd 5:54

am I right upper arm is what happens during the my left my right lower arm my forums about three quarters.

Nick VinZant 6:00

So why why is that like what did you Is it

"Monster" Michael Todd 6:04

so I got into very bad positions with my hand compromised with wrestling my arms from my hand wrist or weak getting very bad positions instead of laying the mesh go I just pulled through. for 20 years I didn't have health insurance. So I'd never looked the doctor I just had an injury and I just kept training. Eventually when I did have health insurance, my left elbow, the doctor misdiagnosed me in 2010 that I had a partially torn ligament and when it was I said I had a torn muscle when it wasn't a partially torn ligament I had a world title match and love that drove in radio power minute time limit ripped off the bone likes to match rows of the form level dislocate six inches. I come back home and have to do surgery. And while they rescue surgery like x ray my right arm. And that's what he told me I had over 70 fractures in my right elbow.

Nick VinZant 6:47

What What was that doctors face like when he saw X ray

"Monster" Michael Todd 6:50

x rayed my right arm the response to the doctors. That's the worst I've ever seen. Cannot frame that picture. But I'm a wall. Or I don't understand how you have musculature your arm your arm looks like what I would have when I would expect a 300 year old man's arm to look like

Nick VinZant 7:04

why not switch to the other arm like for armwrestling purposes,

"Monster" Michael Todd 7:09

have won 21 world titles and 36 national titles that are damn near split right down the middle about 5050 Now what that means is the left hand competitions not as stiff as the right hand competition because there's a lot more right handed people. I've never been over on them one of the world's left handed. I've won numerous world titles match titles, but I have been over on the one in the world right in the middle of all the arm wrestlers walking the face here, in the main right hand,

Nick VinZant 7:32

is there a huge difference between somebody dominant hand in their off hand Usually,

"Monster" Michael Todd 7:37

it varies from person to person. What has happened over the years and how I got started on wrestling left hand was in 1994. I went to the national championships in Windsor locks, Connecticut, and the first time they ever had left handed in the nationals and left hand was on Friday. Right? It was on Saturday. Well, I couldn't stay to watch people on rest without me. So I'm gonna head into the left. And that's how I got started on the left.

Nick VinZant 7:58

When you when you look at a lot of people who you know professionals like yourself who are at the very top, is there usually something like a physical trait that they share besides just pure strength? Right? Like, is there a leverage thing like the forearm is shorter than the right i think he I don't know enough about anatomy to actually ask this question.

"Monster" Michael Todd 8:18

Question the best way I can. Normally, the elite guys gonna have big strong dominant hands. I don't have a massive hand. I have a thick, thick and meaty can training it but it's not a massive here. I'm six foot three, but I don't really have long leavers, right. Devon Larry, who's six six has got like 6869 liters. The longer lever is better. A lot of people think they're shorter arms better the longer lever. Normally the longer lever is better if you know how to use it. Right. But yeah, big forearms, big hands, wrists. You don't see a whole lot. I mean, I'm a guy who does a lot of traditional weight training. A lot of arm wrestlers just do armwrestling specific stuff. Now if you go to Eastern Europe, which is where they're very, very strong, and Eastern Europe, and some of the top competition in the world is from there, especially under the 220 pound weight limit. They pretty much dominate armwrestling once you get the super heavyweights, the top 10 in the world, five of us are from North America. So but we're all older, like I'm 48 746 30 petards 48. Dave take into this 47 agents in his 40s. I mean, now my training partner Cory West, we call him the gorilla. He's my height, maybe a little bit taller, and he's born and 20 pounds. I got to be able to reach down and grab the padlock and just snap it off his bare hand. He's a free

Nick VinZant 9:38

man. Now you guys are all older is that because of like old man strength basically, or just experience

"Monster" Michael Todd 9:45

a long time? We don't really have like Cory is the one who just turned 31 last week. I feel like he's the future specifically for North American armwrestling but he very well could be random on the world. At some point. He's just he's a man. Massive, massive human being. And he's just, he loves it. He tore his left bicep deep super fit last year bone, Dave Chafee and Idaho. And prior to that, he was training he was consistent, but he wasn't hungry. He was patient about his his progress. Now he's hungry. He wants to hunt down everybody. That kid is, watch out for him, he's he's gonna be something special.

Nick VinZant 10:19

This is my knowledge about weightlifting and things like that, right. But it's much different, like somebody negative strength is so good, right? Like, you can't maybe not be able to push something off of you. But you can keep it from coming down. Like how difficult is that to get somebody's arm to move in a way that they don't want it to move?

"Monster" Michael Todd 10:39

Well, that's what's interesting about armwrestling versus any other traditional weight training, strength, sport, whatever, you're going to get someone else's power, right. So you're applying a certain force, they're applying a certain certain force. And it really comes down to who's strong in these specific areas. So at a world class level, we all know the techniques it comes down to who's stronger, but it could be who's stronger in their, in their pinky muscle or their you know, first finger their thought we just depends on whether you can get that that. So I'm an outside arm wrestler, I'm a top row or open top row, whatever. Some people are trying to get to buy them real hard on you gets turned into a book. And I'm trying to open their hand and open the rest up. So it's just those counter pressures? It's, it's a lot of fun. Is it physical chess?

Nick VinZant 11:24

How long like when you're doing a specific? Is it like, I know you go through rounds, but like, how long is the average round going to last?

"Monster" Michael Todd 11:33

Okay, so most matches are pretty quick. I mean, 1020 seconds or less. I'm the guy that has the multiple minute long matches, like I've had a 10 minute match before I had a seven minute match to who. And then I was like round two or five rounds. So I'm known for having those very, very long war is brutal. And that's why I say my disgust for losing outweighs my opponents desire to win when they say go if I can keep you from killing me. That is my master lose after that.

Nick VinZant 11:58

It's just a growing sport. Is this a diminishing sport? Is it staying the same? like where do you see the future of arm wrestling going,

"Monster" Michael Todd 12:05

though, for years, like I said, I started in 1990. We missed out on the 1996 Olympics, we were supposed to be demonstrations for we got beat up by women's beach volleyball, obviously, you see why? And then we never really got another shot at it. You know, we were at we were in the Goodwill Games, done a few different things like that. I do think it's gonna follow a similar path to UFC, hopefully, and I'll tell you why it's growing. Now, while we're probably in the biggest growth of armwrestling ever, although there has been on you know, ESPN, or it's been on a was the ABCs wild world of sports, or over the top, all those different times where armwrestling could have taken off. It's because of COVID traditional sports were not being seen. So people went to the internet and they found arm wrestling. In arm wrestling right now is probably in the biggest growth curve has ever had. And that's why my wife and I, we were three weeks into a six month tour across the United States in a wrapped RV. So we pull up in this wrapped RV that screaming picture me on the side of it. We put up the arm wrestling table, we just take on all comers. So three weeks into six months, we're gonna hit all 48 states.

Nick VinZant 13:06

Are you ready for some harder slash listener submitted questions? Let's do it. What's your favorite pump up music to get ready?

"Monster" Michael Todd 13:15

My favorite pump up music I like I feel like a monster from skillet.

Nick VinZant 13:18

That's pretty good. Right? But do you like it? Because your nickname is monster? Or do you just like the song

"Monster" Michael Todd 13:26

a little bit about a little bit about it just gets me fired up about it.

Nick VinZant 13:29

Who is the Michael Jordan of armwrestling. All Time all time. And if you say to you,

"Monster" Michael Todd 13:36

greatest of all time is always going to be Jon Corzine. He dominated in the era of armwrestling that will never exist again. So he basically went 20 plus years with very few losses took on people from all across the world and different weight classes didn't matter. He was a six foot two 120 pound guy most of his career. And this word is not it's evolved so much since then no one will ever be able to know we'll be able to go that long without losing, knowing to be able to take because they're real freaks out there. Now. I would, I would say that I'm among the greatest of all time because I've won every have won the World Title, every professional league that's existed in the last 1015 years. I have taken the losses over the years, but jomres is definitely the greatest of all time. Probably one of the best ambassadors to sports ever seen is definitely from Canada, the 20 year Special Forces badass dude. And then I'm, you know, I've done my part. I've traveled the world. I've done a lot of things and had a lot of fun. But there's there's a lot of Legends out there. It's just an honor for me to be considered among the best that's ever done it so that's cool. Now Can

Nick VinZant 14:40

this be this can just be a full time living for most professionals?

"Monster" Michael Todd 14:44

No, it cannot. Who knows it might in the future. With the social media platform with YouTube, Instagram, all that stuff, a person now could build a brand big enough to where they could live full time through, you know, through YouTube money. As sponsors or whatever, just sort of armwrestling, I may have made a half million dollars in 31 years, I couldn't work. I have had an amazing life, full of life experiences to have a lot of interesting places. But a lot of interesting people made a lot of amazing friends. But as far as you know, the monetary side of the sport I might make for you to get out here. So

Nick VinZant 15:22

still, as long I mean, man, I'd rather make that doing what I liked. And, you know,

"Monster" Michael Todd 15:27

yeah, I mean, I'm blessed right now with this tour, right? This tour is really helping us out. And with the connections and people meeting, you know, there's different opportunities that are being presented, there may end up being I actually got called the other day, there's a reality TV show that was put out, and it's the first seasons gonna hit a lot of success with it. And then I had like me to be involved in the second season, which the celebrity edition, I'm like, oh, you're considered me a celebrity. Alright. I thought that was the weird right there, they still consider me a celebrity with the wind. So you never know, man. I'm just we're not promised tomorrow. I want to live my best day to day and do everything I can to get to traveling, I say to my wife, who's my best friend and my two dogs, and I'm blessed right now.

Nick VinZant 16:08

So what do you like about it? Right? Is it the competition, or the winning or just the overall armwrestling in and of itself?

"Monster" Michael Todd 16:16

Well, here's the deal. I've been doing it for 31 years, I've done it for two thirds of my life, basically. So it's just part of me now. It's something that when I was younger, I fell in love with a one on one. I mean, the thrill of victory is amazing. Hate, hate the way it feels to lose those. So that's what, that's why I say my disgust for losing weight, my desire to win because I just hate the way that feels. But I think a lot of is just, you know, the camaraderie, the family the I took my first loss in three years recently in Dubai. And that took so much pressure off me. Because with social media with YouTube, if you take a loss, even in practice, people just tearing you apart, you know. And now, I mean, I took my first professional loss and three years. Yes, I'm hungry to avenge that loss. But right now, I'm just enjoying the fact that I don't have all the pressure. Now I'm still the who champion still the yo yo champion for the arm warships, I still hold several world titles, because it was a non title match. But it was a match that was important to me, you know, come out on top that day. But now with this tour and everything that we're doing, I'm just blessed to be in a position to where I can go out. I can armrests on half on.

Nick VinZant 17:29

When do you generally know that like you've got you've got you've got a guy

"Monster" Michael Todd 17:33

who they say go and I don't get into like I got your ass. It's not always gonna be that way. But most of the time, if I can stop the match, I'm gonna. I'm a very I'm very good at that. As long as I'm in the match, as long as there's not a huge discrepancy in strings, as long as the string is close. I'm almost always

Nick VinZant 17:52

Is it pretty weight dependent, right? Like somebody comes in and this is 125 pound person like, this isn't even a competition for me. But then somebody else could come in and 500 pounds a night you got no shot? Is it weight dependent at all kind of like boxing or

"Monster" Michael Todd 18:08

now the like my stepson. 270 pounds. He's 17 national champion. He does all the same techniques. I know. Obviously, he can't be he because he's 170 pounds. So in that aspect, yes, strength, I mean, the weight. But the strength is not always determined by how much you weigh, right? Like, I'm a 270 pound guy between 260 to 80. Just depends on how much take me. But my string is going to be the same now as it would be if I was 300. Probably, in most, like I said, my training partner for under 20 pounds and he's an animal. But you know, I keep my bank pretty hard so that the gods 500 pounds I'm not worried about it is not going to change the outcome. As long as this handle rested in front enough to stop my pronation. Or my crack that respect. Sounds good.

Nick VinZant 18:57

How many people's arms Have you broken?

"Monster" Michael Todd 19:00

I've never broken anyone's arm. I had a horrible God's hand when he broke his arm. I didn't break and I was holding on to him and he dove in his arms now. So it's very easy. It's sad. But if you get the bad position and you put the right amount of force, your arm will snap. And I was just holding on to this dude, kind of train him and he just don't come outside moving inside moving into his shoulder in front of his hand and snap his arm.

Nick VinZant 19:23

Is it when that happens? Like is it quick like that? Or is it one of those things like, like I bet like a bad board. You can feel it going and then it goes.

"Monster" Michael Todd 19:31

Sometimes you'll try to stop a match when you see him get into a bad position. And sometimes you just can't stop it before it snaps. All right. This

Nick VinZant 19:38

one's I think this one's gonna be pretty obvious, but if it's not, go ahead and tell me best arm wrestling scene in a movie.

"Monster" Michael Todd 19:45

I don't know if you remember the movie plot where the dude's wrist snaps you know, years ago and my wife's gonna tell you it's gonna be the one from what is it the vampire movies? What is it honey? Twilight? Fly light yeah when seems to be party Breaking Dawn Part Two. She just came to tell me she heard she are in the interview where Bella gets her strength and she she beats the dude over the stone and breaks the stone she pins in. I don't know what was gonna be obvious what was what did you think?

Nick VinZant 20:15

I was? I guess I phrased it incorrectly I was saying I was gonna say best arm wrestling movie which obviously has to be right.

"Monster" Michael Todd 20:22

That's a movie would definitely be over the top. They've made a new one. That was like a Korean movies. I've watched on a plane called champion who wasn't bad. It wasn't bad and they've made a new movie. It's like a female armwrestling thing you know, things got dot Jones who's one of the best female wrestlers of all time, and I cannot remember the name of it golden or maybe maybe go norm and something new I think I don't know what it's been what platform has been released on. But over the tops. Definitely the best arm wrestling movie and I actually enjoyed it. I watched it because even armrests I was just a semester slow and faint when I was thinking like 1984 or something like that when it came out 8586

Nick VinZant 20:58

is it? Is it realistic in any way? Like what do you think about the realism of over the top?

"Monster" Michael Todd 21:04

Well, a lot of the scenes were a real movie. I mean, they did desktop tournament conferencing actually on that tractor truck. So they went around filming, and Marvin Cohen's a buddy of mine, he's the one who did all the products that will get that whole thing going. So a lot of is very real. Because those things were actually taken out of the actual tournament.

Nick VinZant 21:20

There's this meme. I think I can ask this question directly. Have you seen this meme of Arnold and Carl Weathers where they're like locking hands like that? redditor Yeah. Who went? Who do you think would have won that arm wrestling?

"Monster" Michael Todd 21:34

Man. I don't know. I met Arnold. I've never met Carl. I'm guessing Carl probably has a bigger hand. Now. Obviously Arnold had the bigger arm with Carl had a bigger hand and bigger wrist. I'd say Carl might be

Nick VinZant 21:49

he was a professional athlete, too. He's a professional football player, wasn't he?

"Monster" Michael Todd 21:53

I don't know what he was. He just he always had an amazing physique. You know him and Rocky and I don't know if you ever saw action Jackson.

Nick VinZant 21:59

Yeah, dude, I've seen x. Talk to me about x Jackson, man, but

"Monster" Michael Todd 22:06

I got watched every be rated martial arts movie. I don't know if you saw best of the best. Or the last dragon. I got the glow.

Nick VinZant 22:15

Okay, so your nickname obviously monster Michael Todd is the best nickname. Who else do you think though has a great nickname?

"Monster" Michael Todd 22:22

Oh, man. Well, no limits, Devin, Larrett. You know, when I did meet him in 2018 and all the hype leading up to that match. I started hashtag and I'm your limit everywhere, right? And after I paid him in round five, I'm like, limit right but no limits. What it is is he's a massive human being he's for me. He's six foot six. He's got very long labor's and you've heard the adage, lever big enough you can move the world in. He is that guy. He is genetically gifted to be great in this sport. And he is he's a professor of what he does. He's very, very good. He picks everything apart. So no limits make sense for him? Because if you take a big bad, strong version, that dude he almost has no limits, right?

Nick VinZant 23:07

Why is it? Why is it so important? How big somebody's hand is specifically the hand.

"Monster" Michael Todd 23:12

But if you have a long fingers, you get to wrap farther around your opponent, right? So it's about control. So if I can take your hand and control where your hand goes, it doesn't matter if your weakest link I can handle the risk of I can take that control that doesn't matter who your boss is how big your back is. I'm taking the way that the spot that all that power translates through

Nick VinZant 23:32

last time that you ran into somebody whether like a celebrity somebody that we have known or just a random person, where you were like, oh, wow, they could they could they got it.

"Monster" Michael Todd 23:42

It has been a while. You do do you do run into those people that like, if you talk to Devin, Larry, he says Shaq has the most potential anyone's ever armwrestling but Shaq's seven foot two and his hand is enormous, you know? Yeah. And that guy grabbed odd teach him how to arm wrestle. He just said his natural power was ridiculous. What's weird is you say you're doing a beat the champion, you're doing a armwrestling thing in a fitness Expo. Those fitness models are really strong for some reason. We're like, they're way stronger than bodybuilders most rock climbers are always strong mechanics, carpenters, pipe fitters, anyone who just works with a hands.

Nick VinZant 24:19

That's really all the questions I got, man, what's kind of coming up next for you.

"Monster" Michael Todd 24:22

We'll be on the road for the Northwest portion. That's gonna be about a four week tour. Hopefully we're collaborating Brian Shaw, you know, we're talking about sauceman stuff with him getting at least 684 100 plus pounds. So that'd be a great guy to get on the table. And he's got world class grip strength. So if I could teach him how to armrests, I think he can be pretty good. And we've brightened up the South Dakota go to Mount Rushmore. I've never got to go there. And that just so happens. We'll be there right in the middle stages. So probably take the wrap up. So we got we bought an h2 Hummer that we're about to get wrapped to match the RV. So we pulled the Hummer behind it. So some of the places we can't get to we'll just take the Hummer in, and we had our massive table thrown off the back end. So I figured we'll take The army down to Sturgis, do a beat the champion gets some bikers. That should be fun. And then we'll go over to Yellowstone have a great time, we got to finish up next month tour. Stan, everybody who's one of the strong bodybuilders ever. He's training john Jones for his next fight. So next time you're in Albuquerque, come in for a workout, some good workout image, john Jones and maybe getting a cage around john john living in a black kick. So that's the second tour. And then we got four more legs. I'll be at that half for Eddie Hall fight in Jacksonville set the bright teen so I'll be that'll be part of our MidSouth tour. So I'll go go do some stuff The Undertaker, then I'll go to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and up in Jacksonville, do some stuff there and come back to Atlanta, maybe have a practice. And then we'll fly back into the man October 2 third for the charity weekend event.