She'll pin you down, rub her feet on your face, put you in a chokehold and you'll pay her to do it. Miss Scorpion joins us as we explore the world of Session Wrestling. We talk wrestling holds, ballbusting and Peter Pan requests. Then, we countdown the Top 5 Kinds of Nuts.
Interview with Session Wrestler Miss Scorpion
Nick VinZant 0:11
Hey everybody, welcome to Profoundly Pointless. My name is Nick VinZant coming up in this episode, a unique kind of wrestling, and the best nuts.
Miss Scorpion 0:22
They want to be overpowered by a strong, perhaps muscular woman using some elements of martial arts skills. And some people, they just want it, they just want to feel it a little bit, but then other people that you are like, you're really putting him in a lot of pain, especially. And this is any men listening, especially for the ballbusting clients. He wanted me to run over his penis with my car.
Nick VinZant 0:51
I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, like, download, subscribe, share, we really appreciate it, it really helps us out. Our first guest is fascinating. absolutely fascinating. There's no other way to put it. So let's get right to her. This is session wrestler Miss scorpion. What is session wrestling,
Miss Scorpion 1:13
I would put us in the wider domination world. And a typical exchange would be somebody coming to see me for an hour. And they want to be overpowered by a strong, perhaps muscular a woman using some elements of martial arts skills.
Nick VinZant 1:35
How did you kind of get into it?
Miss Scorpion 1:38
I had a good business. I was running a cookery school and catering business. But it left me very tied as to where and when I could earn a living. But in the meantime, just for my personal interest I'd gone on am a dominatrix course just for because I wasn't home in London, I want to explore like the kink side of things. So I've gone a dominatrix course with a lady in London called Kim Rob. And I thought it was going to be like, Oh, this is how you spank somebody, this how you tie somebody up, I thought was going to be quite generic. And this is how you do things sort of for a home user. Obviously, I really, really really hadn't read the course material at all. And I got to hit and it was really about becoming a pro Dom like a professional dominatrix. Like to our core. beginning I was really like, have my notebook and I was like, Okay, yeah, Uh huh. So I need my name. Okay. Yep. Mm hmm. Being a good girl taking all my notes. And by the end of it when she was going into like, and these are the sorts of thing sorts of services that different people are offering. I was literally like, jaw on the floor. You're like, I am in way of my head here. It was like a certain aspects of it. I was like, this sounds really good than others when she was like, okay, yes. So some people they offer like cysteine as a service, or they're doing like water sports or hard sports, and I was just literally like, the greenest person on the planet. Like, what's that?
Nick VinZant 3:13
You didn't quite know what you were getting signed up for? Hmm.
Miss Scorpion 3:17
I was literally like, she must have thought you Why did you not read what this is gonna be about? But I was we talked more she said, you know, you could be really good at this because I was used to running my own business. I'm used to dealing with people like a one to one like consultation aspect. I'm really highly motivated. And it would sort of tick the boxes for me regarding what I wanted from a business. And so I explored the sort of more what I would call the more traditional dominatrix work world a little bit. And, but it wasn't really for me, mainly because Nick involves wearing high heels a lot. And I really, really, really hate wearing high heels. I don't if you ever have you ever worn high heels yourself? I have not. I have not even just tried them on one day. And you'll be like, Oh, yeah, okay. Couldn't do this professionally.
Nick VinZant 4:18
So because of that you kind of trained you geared more towards the wrestling side of it, then.
Miss Scorpion 4:23
Yes. As Kim said, oh, there's this thing called session wrestling. I was like, Oh, what's that? And she explained it to me. Okay, so it's more of like a physical domination. And I trained jujitsu and Thai boxing and boxing in my early 20s. So I was like, Oh, it's just jujitsu. She was like, Yeah, I was like, right. Okay. I can definitely do that. That for me is just such a natural fit for me is just you just bullying people which I do used to do for free anyway, like rugby, tackle your friends when you're on a night out and things like that. You're just doing it. You're getting paid, and you're wearing really, really good outfits that don't involve heels.
Nick VinZant 5:04
So like a typical, is it? Is it a session? Was that the the correct word or what word? Should I use them?
Miss Scorpion 5:11
Yeah, a session. Yeah.
Nick VinZant 5:13
So a typical session, kind of walk me through that, like, What is? How does that go?
Miss Scorpion 5:19
Let's go for Nick as the newbie as an example. So Nick, when he gets in touch, he says, I've seen loads of your videos online, but I've never had an in person session before. I will be in London. In two weeks time, please, book an appointment with you? And I'm like, Yes, of course, you can, you've already really got in touch with a really kind of nice polite email, which is very important. If there's any guys listening who are thinking about sessioning, the initial email, very important. So I will go back and say, okay, the specific so Okay, you've watched some videos with a thing, some things in a video that you really like that you want to try. So you might say, Oh, and I really like, like legs and feet, I'd really like to try what we call like these things called head scissors, where you're basically getting your neck crushed by some nice firm legs. And very popular in my world. They want to feel like my feet on their face and be forced in what are their little abbreviation remarks before quote, unquote, to like, worship my feet, like kiss my feet and things like this. So we'll already have before the session starts, I'll have an idea of what you want to try. So and then you might have an outfit request. I am. So lots of people have come to me like shiny pantyhose, you guys would call it in America tights for us. So I will, within reason fulfill an outfit request. My best outfit request ever has been to dress as Peter Pan.
Nick VinZant 6:57
That's really injured. That's a good one, though, right?
Miss Scorpion 7:00
I think in in the American market. There's lots more cosplay requests than in the UK. In Europe. It's not so much about the outfit. Yeah. So when I got the Peter Pan requests, I was like, Oh, this guy's really thought about this. This is good. Did you do the hat and everything? Everything? He ordered that outfit for me and brought that outfit? I was had top to toe in Greenfelt,
Nick VinZant 7:24
that is a strong look.
Miss Scorpion 7:31
Yeah, I mean, I, I haven't had to wear it for anything else yet. But you never know.
Nick VinZant 7:38
Now, is it? Do you just tackle them? Like, are you wrestling back and forth for control necessarily?
Miss Scorpion 7:46
Like it seems like an adult. And so in the Wrestling World, there's sort of different degrees of how intense your exchange will be. So what are the main categories or main categories are like a fantasy session that the newbie might be like, I'm not going to resist at all, I just want the fantasy of maybe you want me to wear my jujitsu uniform, that's a popular request as well, especially for someone that's into feet. So I'd be wearing my like jujitsu gi, and you would offer any resistance at all, I would just put you in positions, I'll be putting my feet on your face. And that's at a level that some people are really interested in, they don't want to feel any pain. They just want this real fantasy, this, this feeling of domination, but it's very much more emotional. And then after that you would go to semi competitive where, for me the rules for that are and you can you will actively defend yourself. But you don't try and put any moves on me. Very often. When I'm setting with people, they don't have any martial arts experience. So for them to try and put submissions on me is actually really, really dangerous because they don't know how like, joints operate properly, and what is the correct amount of like, okay, we start off with gentle pressure and then gradually increase. And so generally semi competitive is the level that I would, I would allow a new person to wrestle at, because it's much, much safer. And that's so the next option after that is like a fully competitive session where you could put attacks on me as well. But that's where you're most likely to get injured. Like I've had a few injuries when I've allowed people to do competitive sessions, so I generally don't take competitive sessions anymore.
Nick VinZant 9:46
In a competitive session. Is it really like you and another person potentially really, like trying to wrestle each other? Or is it still kind of like,
Miss Scorpion 9:56
yeah, I'm trying but I'm not really trying all the people That sexual muscle they know like someone comes in and you just see it in their eyes that they're like, this is like the UFC to them and no girl, no, go for it. And you just think, Oh, I'm gonna have to like, you give them a talk at the beginning. It's normally someone that's new and you say, Listen, you know, this is a fantasy scenario. We don't want anyone to get hurt. Yes, we want to have like a really physical session. But just like, breathe. But you get into it. And you can tell especially when you they're so hyped. they've watched so many videos for so many years, and they're really, really hyped. And then you just have to say, like, Whoa, like, timeout, like you need to, you need to relax. I've had people like, I had a guy and I was I had his back and I had him down on the, like, he was facedown on the floor. And he just, he was like a power lifter. He came up and he I was still on his back. And he slammed me onto the floor with him on top of me. Did that to me like three times. And I was just like, okay, you damage my shoulder? Thanks. Yeah, that was the last competitive session. I did. Actually I was about two years ago. I was just like, now like, I don't need to do this. The most annoying thing is like the flying elbow to the teeth. Ideal.
Nick VinZant 11:15
Now when you when you kind of do the wrestling moves, are we talking about like college wrestling? Like Olympic wrestling kind of stuff? Or are we talking like WWE? off the top rope? Kind of wrestling?
Miss Scorpion 11:29
Good question. There this again, it depends on the person. So I, I have training, I have some training in what you would call your college wrestling over here we would be at court like our Greco Roman or something, or freestyle, and I have some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training. So that's more your submissions. Like an like people have watched UFC they've seen like a rear naked choke or an armbar or something like that. And by also have some pro wrestling training as well. And in the fetish world. There's particular moves, which people really like, and they're probably the more like old school moves. Like, did you watch any pro wrestling when you were younger? Uh, huh. Did you watch like the Iron Sheik and he was like, with a camel clutch.
Nick VinZant 12:20
I the camel clutch is familiar, right? That's the one where like, the person is on the ground, and you've got their chin and their arms are like, on your knees or something? Yes.
Miss Scorpion 12:30
Yes, exactly. So that's a really popular one people like things where their bodies stretched out, or you great find them and like split their legs is anything where they're in some sort of like tortured agony? Yeah, because then quite a lot of my clients will be like a masochist as well. So they're quite like some pain element to it.
Nick VinZant 12:54
For those kind of clients, like, on a scale of one to 1010 being the highest one being the lowest, how much would you say that you're necessarily hurting them?
Miss Scorpion 13:05
Again, it depends on the person, some people, they just want it, they just want to feel it a little bit. But then other people that you are like, you're really putting them in a lot of pain, especially. And this is any men listening, especially for the ballbusting clients. This there's there's a lot of pain being dished out there. And even sometimes I'm thinking, Wow, you can really take it.
Nick VinZant 13:29
So you're really kind of getting after it.
Miss Scorpion 13:31
Oh, yeah. I've had like people, a guy on all fours and like soccer kicked him to the nuts. Oh, yeah.
Nick VinZant 13:40
So look, we don't that will be a request. This this is something that our personal views on this podcast is whatever you want to do, you're not hurting anybody against their well. However you get down is however, however you get down. But in I think the thing that stands out to me is I'm not are they? Are your clients deriving pleasure from the pain or from the domination? Like what is it that keeps them coming back?
Miss Scorpion 14:08
Are we talking specifically about the ballbusting guys, or just them in general? Or the months in general?
Nick VinZant 14:13
The ballbusting is something that I have not heard of before. So I'm, I'm curious. I'm not. I always I mean, I've seen things I didn't think it was one of those things that like oh, people actually did that. And again, like however you get down is however you get down. I guess I don't I don't quite understand it. They're just looking for the pain of it.
Miss Scorpion 14:35
Yeah, yeah, but they wouldn't be it's the pain and then they'll have specifics about who is administering the pain as well. So I think it's like a big hairy man offer to kick them in the balls, it wouldn't be quite the same as like, what they perceive to be like a hot woman. Ah, is is that a common request? Um, I'd say maybe like one in 2120. But I do make ballbusting videos and they are very popular. I think the fantasy of the ballbusting is a lot more popular than the actual reality of it is like, because I guess that's a big thing. Like when when they say a woman has you by the balls, that is like her. It really means every single man knows what that means.
Nick VinZant 15:30
Right? You're, you're in total control of your most prized possession. Yes,
Miss Scorpion 15:35
Can you like from a physical standpoint? I don't know what words to use here, necessarily. So give me like, some leeway on this phrasing. I think you know, you can ask, are you? Are you uh, are you a bigger woman? Like? Are you physically imposing like, do you? Do you look more? Or is it more that you look like you could really do something? Or can you really do something right? And in terms of like, dominate?
You asked me if I'm Matt hench. I'm all for the mice. I'm five foot seven. And I weigh about 70 kilos, which is probably like 150 pounds. I'm probably I know, I guess some people would look at me and think I'm physically imposing have pretty hefty size or like 25 inch thighs. In the summer, I have a six pack, not now because it's cold. And I like eating chocolate cake in when it's cold. And yeah, I'm reasonably buff. But also i'm, i'm really trained in martial arts. So my favorite thing is, guys, they'll come this like a guy. And I forget it was when I was working in Switzerland one time, he was this young, like kind of cocky French guys about 25. And he was like, in his email, you can always tell them the email, they can be a bit cocky. So be like, I'm very fit. I play football, like four times a week, and I go to the gym. And, you know, you can tell in between the lines of saying, so I'll kind of let you beat me. I would like, Okay, all right. And then we get into the session. And it always happens like about, I have like a bit of a I like to start a session in a certain way with a guy like that. So I like to score the first point really, really quickly, like literally within 30 seconds. And you can tell they're like, Oh my god, I thought they were gonna have to like, let me score a point. But I'll just really like stick it to them early on. And then the next point, I like to really kind of make them suffer. So I'll have them pinned down in a really awkward position. And maybe they'll think they can get out. But I'll just keep them there and really tie them out for about five minutes. And then I'll like, maybe shit, talk them a little bit. And then I'll put the submission on a bit. And then I'll see they're about to tap. So I'll let it off a little bit. They'll put it on a letter or put it off until they're like begging. And then I'll like I'll score my second point. And then you just see that eyes just this look that I just like, Oh, fuck.
Nick VinZant 18:25
Good for you. Good for you. Yeah, you're
Miss Scorpion 18:28
just like, Oh, no. And then. And then they always say the same thing. They're like, I thought the videos were fake. And I'm like, I see that in your face. And now you've got another 55 minutes and I'm gonna fuck you up.
Nick VinZant 18:43
Like, so I'm probably would be one of those guys where I'd be like, all right, sure. Right, because men are just naturally we're used to being a woman. Right? We are definitely like that. And I don't know, if I was there ever. Like, oh my gosh, she's fucking me up. Okay, I'll just kind of ask this directly then necessarily, like, if it's a sexual thing. How are they? Where are they getting the release? Like, are you doing that? Are they going home and doing that? Do you have a like a side room? They go do that or how does that kind of work?
Miss Scorpion 19:16
And that is in my presence. There is no release whatsoever. What I'm sure the very second they step in their house. They're doing whatever they need to do. But no, I do not. I remember someone emailed me and they were like, Oh, so I'd like to wrestle with you. And then after you've beaten me, could you like, get me off? And I was like, Listen, Mister, I will beat you. But if anyone's gonna get off after I win, it would be me. I when I get what I want. However, I will do whatever I want my own private time. You are just getting beaten and then hoof out the door.
Nick VinZant 19:56
Is that is that your personal um code so to speak, or is that kind of common throughout the industry are the different, different wrestlers do? Do it differently? Like some might engage in that?
Miss Scorpion 20:09
Everyone's totally different? Yeah, everyone's totally different. Like, for example, and that is one thing I really, really love about working the fetish interest industry, because they're like, the options for what you can offer are gigantic. And you can literally just pick and choose. So for example, I used to offer competitive wrestling, which very few wrestlers do. So that was like something unusual that I did. And then I have some experience with bondage wrestling, where you like wrestling, and then you tie your the person actively tie them up as you're going, which is something that other people wouldn't do. But then other people might do more stuff in the what I would call like, the sexy end of things. And so, and then maybe they do like strap on and stuff as well, which is something I'm just like, no nudity, anything that involves clothes on, I will consider, I might still say no to some requests. But that is my like, big limit is the the nudity.
Nick VinZant 21:13
Was that always the case? Or was that something that developed later on?
Miss Scorpion 21:17
No, that's always been my limit. When it comes to me doing this work. Like I really, really love it. And it's always been this, for me is just a really natural boundary that is makes it very, very enjoyable for me. Like I know that anybody could walk through my door, and I could have a session with them. But if there was like, oh, what about if it was like slightly sexier? I'll be like, Oh, well, not him and not him and not him and not you either. And now not him either. So that just makes it is. Now I don't want to do that professionally.
Nick VinZant 21:57
How do you kind of protect your safety? Like, are you doing this out of your house?
Miss Scorpion 22:03
So I either session from I have a studio in London or a session when I'm like touring, which could be in Europe or the US or further afield. I get deposits from people, which will be so that's traceable, you know, like electronic payment is traceable. And then I have like, other screening processes as well during your initial email phase.
Nick VinZant 22:27
Have you ever had somebody show up? And then you just been Nope, nope, sorry.
Miss Scorpion 22:32
I had I think I've only ever had I had one guy turn up and his personal hygiene was really bad. And even though so when he arrived I said to him, okay, so there's a shower, in you go and I heard the shower go on. But he came out and his personal hygiene was still really bad. And I was like, Oh, they have a tricky one really, because I I looked at his skin and I thought maybe he has some sort of like medical condition because some people, especially if you do Jiu Jitsu you know that some people, people smell different. However, I was okay, because for that session, he requests I wear a cat suit. So I knew we wouldn't have any skin on skin contact. And he'd also requested to get tied up. So I just tied him up really quickly and sort of like died around the place. So I didn't have to have any any contact. Now how much what are your rates essentially?
Nick VinZant 23:20
Like how much does somebody charge for this?
Miss Scorpion 23:24
Do you want my rate in euros? shekels pounds dollars?
Nick VinZant 23:30
Well, as an American, I am solely I am ignorant of anything else going on? Can I have any other thing in the world?
Miss Scorpion 23:43
That sentence ends that the the my dollar rate, I think at the moment is 375 an hour. So that would be in pounds, you're about 250 maybe 260.
Nick VinZant 23:57
So this can this can be a pretty comfortable full time living, I would assume
Miss Scorpion 24:02
you have to work hard at it because it's there's quite a lot of people doing it now. And you can't just I can't expect to sit in London and like it maybe if I'm in London for a month I'll I'll have maybe maybe 10 hours of clients in a month. But I'll be in London to film. So that's like my main income is the filming.
Nick VinZant 24:25
Are you ready for some harder slash listener submitted questions?
Miss Scorpion 24:30
Oh, yeah, definitely.
Nick VinZant 24:31
What is your typical client like?
Miss Scorpion 24:34
Are there's really I think there's I think there's a bit of a myth around the type of man that goes to see a dominatrix or you know, somebody like me who's in the domination world. My clients, I won't see anyone under the age of 21. So my clients age from 21 up to the oldest person I've ever seen, which was arranged for me by somebody else was 75. I didn't really Who's gonna be 75? I got there and he was 75. And I thought Damn, I do not want a session with you again, because I was worried that he was going to like die.
Nick VinZant 25:11
If they if they fit a certain professional kind of model like, are they usually more or?
Miss Scorpion 25:17
No, there's no particular socio economic grouping, you will see slightly more people who have got slightly more money just because of you know, it's in the day, it's a luxury service. But I've had someone come to see me that worked as a, like a pop washer in the kitchen. He would just save up and he would have like one session a year. What is your fate? Do
Nick VinZant 25:38
you have a finishing move? And if so, what is your favorite? Ooh,
Miss Scorpion 25:43
okay, good question. My favorite move is the rear naked choke with the body triangle likes my ultimate favorite, because you're like crushing their ribs. And then you're like, crushing their neck as well. And you're in such a dominant position when you're on their back to. It's really, really good. I used to use that. And I remember when I was training Jiu Jitsu at my, at the gym in London. And I mean, this guy, we're about the same standard is this. This French guy, we're both blue belts. And so we'd always have like, a pretty good like, ding dong match. And then we were rolling, but the other people in the class like watching us, and I caught him in this move. And you could tell he didn't while it's happening. He was making nice noises for like a minute like that eventually taught, but he said a really funny comment. He was like, Oh, I feel like I feel like that's my terrible French accent. I felt like James Bond when it we think it's Xeni on a top like, crushes him to death, I don't remember during mid scene. But I couldn't stop laughing because in the session Wrestling World that is like, a scene that got a lot of guys into session wrestling, because it was like, they saw this like sexy, powerful woman, like crush this guy. And they were like, God, damn, that is like, that's what I like. I've just seen what I like on film.
Nick VinZant 27:11
I would imagine it's kind of a world where people would be like, I did not know that about myself.
Miss Scorpion 27:17
Yeah. And I think it's like, suddenly you saw something and you're like, Oh, hold on a minute. This is I've had these feelings like, especially when, because those people who were like kinky that they that these feelings have been coming up from when they were very, very young. So you kind of had these feelings, but you can't, you can't really like put your finger on it. And then suddenly, you've watched a movie or you've read a comic or something. And you're like, Oh, that is that.
Nick VinZant 27:46
Are your clients? Are they shy about it?
Miss Scorpion 27:50
I'll give you some examples. So so one guy, he really really loved pro wrestling. And so I would meet him like a pro wrestling ring. And I would wear like, the shiny wrestling boots and the shiny tights and the shiny leotard. And we do some of like the like the camel clutch and things like that some of the progress and moves that we discuss. And, and I was like to like, chat to people. Afterwards, I was chatting to him. And one of the things he said he was like, all cold like really, really enjoyed this. But I'd be so so ashamed if my friends found out what I was doing. And I was like, you'd be ashamed if your friends found out you like rolling around with a hot woman in a sexy outfit. He was like, Oh, well, when you put like, that doesn't sound quite so bad. I was like, exactly.
Nick VinZant 28:38
I've never understood this social stigma around people's various kind of kinks. like everybody's got something. Yeah,
Miss Scorpion 28:47
yeah, I think there's, there's there's so much there's so much shame and stigma around desire. Yeah, they base it really hard for people. I know, like a guy that I dated like a little while back. He was really, really, really, really submissive. And he grown up in this like, tiny little town in Devon. And he was literally like, before the internet, and he lives literally like, I'm the only person in the world that's like this, you know, especially when we're in such like a male dominated society, like he would have been growing up in like the late mid mid to late 70s. And to be to say, Oh, I want a woman to be in charge. Like, what's wrong with you?
Nick VinZant 29:32
I would imagine can it be therapeutic for people?
Miss Scorpion 29:35
Yeah, he ended up having some like massive addiction problems because of because of these desires. And him literally been like, I'm the only person on the planet, there's must be something wrong with me. And then he went through a lot of therapy. And he's like, Oh, it's okay. I'm submissive. This is this is alright. Obviously it's slightly longer process than that. But yeah, hugely cathartic for him? Good for him? Yeah. Yeah. But sadly, there is a lot of shame around it for people for some some of my clients and like, I'm sure it's the same for other session methods I know. And dominatrixes and other fetish providers will be the only people that our clients will really speak to about their desires. most frequent request, most interesting request. most frequent request, I'd say it's definitely like this scissor hold thing. So it's just wanting to feel like the power of the killer. sighs Yeah. So maybe they want to feel like your legs, like crushing their ribs or their neck. Yeah, scissor hold. Google it. And then most interesting requests was the second one.
Nick VinZant 30:57
Yes, yes.
Miss Scorpion 30:59
Does this mean most interesting requests that I have fulfilled? Because you get like, you get loads of like, requests that you're like, Ooh, that's a bit kooky, but then you think you're probably a time waster. So yeah, some of them are like, madness. Yeah. Like the man, I'll give you the Okay, I'll give you one which was definitely a time waster but hilarious. And he wanted me to, he wanted me to run over his penis with my car. Which is, when you really think about it, I was like, Well, how are you going to do that? Like, I'm assuming he's an, you know, even if he's a very well endowed man, yeah, you'd have you like, on the edge of the pavement? And I'm gonna think, or am I gonna have to bury him? And then that's just sticking out. I didn't reply to his email, but I have saved it in the special folder, which I will be creating my book from.
Nick VinZant 32:04
Yeah, that's logistically, how do you even you'd have to be you'd have to be gifted in that regard, I think. Yeah. And also, like, you got to do it in a you couldn't do it like in public, necessarily, at least not without a lot of people wondering.
Miss Scorpion 32:25
Yeah, yeah, I was like, I think logistically, that's gonna be tricky, so I'm gonna say no. And yeah, so most interesting quest that I have fulfilled. I think the thing is, once you're in this world for a while, everything becomes like okay, yeah, so, okay, I get maybe maybe the pizza pan won, because the outfit was really like, really cool. And I had to be pizza pan. But I also had to do like pizza pan impressions. Which I will not do for you now. Because I haven't you know, warmed up my voice or anything. By to pizza pan impressions. Yeah, and he had a real foot fetish, then he would like the game was he would try cuz I had like the green tights and then like the green felt shoes, he would try and like wrestle, and he would try and take my felt shoes off.
Nick VinZant 33:15
Oh, that's another one I've like I've never quite just under was never my thing, necessarily was. I don't really have one at least so that's why I'm kind of like, come on. I want to know what it's gonna be. Like, someday.
Miss Scorpion 33:35
But they just think they just think it's normal. So like, in British culture in like, the 80s and 90s. It was like, big tits. Everyone, like big tits. And it was like, if you'd said, Oh, but that girl's got like a really like a really she got a really nice but like a nice big, but people have been like, but really like, a big tits culture here. So you're a bit strange. And she said, Oh, I think she's got really nice big feet ever been like, Whoa, okay. Now becoming accepted. And also in the 80s. If you'd said, Oh, I like that girl. She's really muscley people have been like, oh, you're gay. But now CrossFit. And everyone's like, Damn, that girl is like Bob, she's so sexy.
Nick VinZant 34:19
In it strange how things change like that. Right?
Miss Scorpion 34:23
So Nick, that is your homework to work out what your thing is.
Nick VinZant 34:28
Oh, I'm like, oh, someday I'll have a thing of like, I did not know that about myself. Um, um, is this a growing or shrinking industry?
Miss Scorpion 34:40
kink in general is becoming more acceptable. Like we're kind of discussing like, I think I was having this conversation like 30 years ago. People have been like, Oh my god, I heard the craziest, craziest thing. And now people be like, Oh, sure. wrestler. This is interesting. Oh, I was talking. I have another friend who's a sex worker. can go, it's like, people are becoming a lot more open. So I think there'll be more people who perhaps would have kept it as like their dirty little secret will now be getting like brave enough to explore it.
Nick VinZant 35:13
That's really all the questions I got. Do you have anything, anything you think we missed? Or what's coming up next for you? How can people get a hold of yet,
Miss Scorpion 35:21
because at the moment, the corona situation in the UK is really, really bad. So I'm just sort of sitting it out. So maybe I'll go back in session in May. But in the meantime, I'm making films again. So I'm back filming. And I'll just do that until, until I can go back again, filming the bigger part of my business. Anyway, I'd
Nick VinZant 35:42
say that's maybe 70% of my income. I want to thank Miss Scorpion for joining us if you want to connect with her, we have a link to her on our social media accounts. We're Profoundly Pointless on Instagram and Twitter. And we have also included her information in this episode description.