Profoundly Pointless

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Hypergamy Dating Coach Talitha Troupe (aka Lii Campbell)

Do you want to marry a rich man? Hypergamy Dating Coach Talitha Troupe (aka Lii Campbell) teaches women how to find a man with money. We talk the best places to find a rich man, the key to living your soft life and why Hypergamy is really about love. Then, we countdown the Top 5 Emojis.

Talitha Troupe (aka Lii Campbell): 01:30

Pointless: 29:54

Top 5: 51:04

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How to Meet a Rich Man

Sweet2Elite Masterclass

Interview with Hypergamy Dating Coach Talitha Troupe (aka Lii Campbell)

Nick VinZant 0:12

Welcome to Profoundly Pointless. My name is Nick VinZant Coming up in this episode hypergamy, and emojis.

Talitha Troupe 0:20

And that's what hypergamy is, it is marrying above your socio economic status. My students, for example, the women that I work with, they're all business owners, every single one of them start a business, that's my goal with them is to build your soft life with other people's pockets. By the time you get to a man with money, you look at yourself and take a real reflection moment. Are you in the condition of the kind of woman that the man you want? Once? Usually, that answer is no.

Nick VinZant 0:55

I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, subscribe, leave us a rating or review, we really appreciate it really helps us out. If you're a new listener, welcome to the show. If you're a longtime listener, thank you so much for all of your support. So I want to get right to our first guest, because she is an expert in helping women find and marry rich men. This is hypergamy dating coach Lee Campbell, also known online as Talita. Troop, starting with the basics, what is hypergamy?

Talitha Troupe 1:32

So if you think about way back in the day, right when we were like trading versus monetary value, when you think about the men back then that wanted to marry in order for them to be wed your father, well, maybe not your father, but the father of the woman you wanted. He needed to show and prove to this man that he could take care of his daughter that he could hunt fish and build a house, let's say. So today's standards that would look like a man who makes good money, he takes care of his family, he, you know, brings home the bacon, so to speak. And that's what hypergamy is, it is marrying above your socio economic status, marrying up, if you will.

Nick VinZant 2:18

I get it. But I also have like a reaction to it at the same time. Do you would you say that's a common theme? Yeah.

Talitha Troupe 2:27

Yeah. I mean, part of the reason why a very select phrase in my marketing is how to meet a rich man. And that's because it does that same effect. It gives you a feeling. And you're not too sure what that feeling is like, Does this feel good? Does this feel bad? Should I be ashamed of this, it is a taboo topic that most people don't want to talk about. But as women begin to experience dating, and what we call struggle, love, they find very quickly that that is not the route of love they want to take for the rest of their lives, it becomes very, very difficult to love on a specific level, especially when money is involved. And you don't have any. Do

Nick VinZant 3:10

you think, though, that everybody is really doing this? Whether they admit it or not? Yes,

Talitha Troupe 3:16

I believe they are. Anybody who's taking a relationship seriously, even to the point of marriage. Right? You're married? Yes. You mentioned my wife. Yes. If your wife did not see that, not just your potential, because that sounds great. But we know that not everybody reaches their true potential. Right? He a highly ambitious, motivated man, who was adamant about providing for her and taking care of a family eventually, as the family you know, came about, but way back when she was just dating you there had to be potential there. Or she would have said Not this guy. He's a loser. So she knew once he has me, that's just going to 10x his vision, and he's going to work even harder, even faster, to make sure he's in position to provide for me. She didn't feel that sense of security. She wouldn't be your wife.

Nick VinZant 4:08

I can't disagree with you. I can't in reality, disagree with you. Right, like, yes, I would say that my wife and I married because we love each other. But we do love certain things about each other. And I would say that. Like, I liked the fact that she had her stuff together. She probably liked the fact that I had my stuff together. I think what maybe jumps out about it is it's too on the nose. Like it like no, no, no, don't say the quiet part out loud.

Talitha Troupe 4:39

It's exactly that I made a lot of noise with the quiet part that people have been ashamed about talking about. It's just a taboo topic. It's not the richest man in the room. So it's not just money. Rich is actually an acronym that we use for respect, integrity, character and honor. So what makes a man Rich is the found nation he believes in the beliefs, he has his core values. What are his, you know, non negotiables? And what does he stand for? Who is he really? How does he leave a room, that's what makes him rich money is a byproduct of that person. And that's why my business has done incredibly well, because we're finally talking about the secret things that grandma's grandma knew. But somewhere down the generations, it turned to be an independent woman. Take care of yourself, you don't need a man for anything. You know, it turned into this mindset somewhere along the way. And I simply disagree. I agree with grandma's grandma. But

Nick VinZant 5:42

do you think that it's is it different now? Because we do have the kind of rise of the independent woman and men are also a little bit unsure of like, wait a minute, what am I supposed to be now? Am I supposed to be compassionate? Are we supposed to be even in this? Am I supposed to be the traditional man of my grandfather's? Like, is it different now than it was in the past?

Talitha Troupe 6:05

Absolutely. Because the culture of what we consume has changed. And men are falling on one side or the other. They're either falling falling on the red pill side where it's very, like, you know, find a beautiful, hot young chick with no kids. And that's your dream girl, and you only marry her if this stipulation and that stipulation and I'm sure they believe, much deeper than that, but just skimming the surface, or I know what you're all on, or you fall on the other side, we'll call it, which is where you're like, look, you know, we're in a relationship together, we should be doing 5050 We should be, you know, I'm not even the red pill guys know that they need to take care of their woman, the kind of woman they get maybe subjective, but they believe that, you know, a man is supposed to be a man and take care of his woman, even no matter how much we feel about Andrew Tate. The one thing that he always said was, and there's a lot I disagree with. But one thing he always said that I strongly stand with is that men are supposed to be men. And now you either are that or you are completely not that. My students, for example, the women that I work with, they're all business owners, every single one of them start a business, that's my goal with them is to build your soft life with other people's pockets. My motto is you're gonna date dating is expensive. You go out on a nice dinner date, it's what 300 bucks, right? You spend, you get two drinks each you know, two glasses of wine, whatever, you're looking at 300 bucks. $300 can be the foundation of building a business. So that instead of you saying like, Hey, babe, for the sixth date, let's go out and spend another $300. It's like, hey, why don't we insert alternative for the date here, right? Something less expense worthy, but still valuable. And instead, I'd like you to help me lock in my LLC. I'd like you to help me register my business. I'd like you to help me get this inventory. I'd like you to help me hire this, this web developer. So every single one of them are really truly women in the middle. I have women that are doctors, lawyers, CEOs, corporate gurus head honchos, and those my six and seven figure earners, those women have a problem with men. And being the man in the relationship, they find that men will meet them, men will gravitate to them, but men will not invest in them and take care of them the way that they do women who don't have it. And women are just tired of carrying all of the weight in a relationship. I mean, men are coming into relationships with women now and they've got their own house, they've got their own car, they've got the foundation pretty much set up. So it's like, it's no longer just a question one way from a man to a woman of what do you bring to the table, but now roles are sort of reversing.

Nick VinZant 8:52

I've always kind of felt like men confused, being in charge with being responsible. It's easy to be in charge, right? Like you're bigger and stronger. It's easy to charge. It's hard to be responsible. I feel like for me that's like, that's the real test of manliness is like being responsible. But getting into the kind of the coaching aspect of it. So how do you read how do you meet them rich man, basically.

Talitha Troupe 9:21

So the key is proximity or get online, we search for single men, we align them with single women and I give the strategy on how to do that. And the first key is, number one, your mindset, you have to know that I deserve this kind of man because I'm the kind of woman that this kind of man that I have in mind. He wants He wants me. Women have to elevate to the place that the man they want wants. So the first thing we do is adjust the mindset and apply the action to become that woman. Whether it's starting up your own business and buying back your time. A lot of these ladies are just so busy, they can't really date them and they will Want to date because they can't get off of work, or because you know, this guy is an entrepreneur has got flexibility, she has none, she's got to clock in and clock out at a certain time. So the first thing we do is that we move in to taking their knowledge and turning it into digital products to free up their time and overflow their income. So they're not stepping into a relationship money hungry, like I need your money. So I'm going to date you, you see, then the next step is putting them in proximity. That's where we get online or get out in person, a lot of people do not leave the mundaneness of their routine, they typically don't move outside of routine. And my thing is, if you've been, you know, single for a long time, you have to check your routine and like, Okay, this isn't working. Let me try something else. So I've mastered the online dating world, I have these incredible formulas for how to write the perfect profile. And they work my students have gotten married off of sites like seeking, which you know, I don't endorse, I don't get a, you know, paid ad or commercial or anything from them. But I really like seeking because the men that are there are already in protect, provide mode, they may not be in marriage mode, but not all my students are looking for that. And most people don't really know that, from the beginning, go to the places where successful people go stop dining at, you know, five guys and and go to four seasons, right? go have lunch there versus going to have lunch at five guys, those little small changes put you in proximity of a whole different realm of people that you've never tapped into. Most people don't realize how easy that is just switching

Nick VinZant 11:37

something up a little bit is but when you look at these relationships, are they love relationships? Are they transactional relationship?

Talitha Troupe 11:44

Eventually their love? They're not trans? I mean, I think all relationships are transactional, it just might not be monetary. They're all transactional, I need something from you, you need something from me.

Nick VinZant 11:55

So then why do people get so upset about this? Because it is kind of the way the world works?

Talitha Troupe 12:01

It depends on the people you talk to friend, if you talk to people that fall below that number, right? Everybody has an idea of a number that's like comfortable in life. Sometimes it's six figures. Sometimes it's over 50,000. Sometimes for some people, it's 30,000. Right? But they have this idea in mind of what makes them the man, right, I've achieved this level of success. I'm confident in who I am. The people that are outside of that space, are the ones that get upset with this. Because what it's doing is it's raising an insecurity that they already have in themselves.

Nick VinZant 12:37

I guess the thing about in terms of like if you put a number cap on it, right, like when we met reporter I was a reporter reporters don't make very much money I made $31,000 a year, right? Like under your system? Would my wife have ruled me out?

Talitha Troupe 12:52

Yes, I know where you are reporter that had that vision. And that dream of like, here's where I'm going next. This job is a stepping stone to where I'm going next. Or where you were reporter that was making 30,000. And you figured out how to do life with 30,000. And you didn't want a bigger house, you didn't want to have children because you can't bring kids into this world making 30,000 You can, it's just going to be a struggle. I know because I lived it. I've made 27,000 most of my life. So I don't necessarily think that your wife under my model would look at you and say not possible because you only make 30k Because she knows under my model, that it's not the richest man in the room, it is the one most willing, because a woman carrying the weight of an entire household is not the way we are designed to operate. We're just not. We're not designed to do that we are designed to nurture and heal and, and grow and 10x were not designed to build that is a man's job. Do

Nick VinZant 13:52

you think that that's changing in society? Do you feel is it harder to find a Richmond like are men losing that driver inspiration?

Talitha Troupe 14:03

Um, that is a really good question. I think that in certain demographics and cultures, men are losing it. But clearly, there's many happily married women out here right now. So it's hard to say that they're losing it. I think that they're just it's not being foundationally taught as like a core value of who you are.

Nick VinZant 14:27

When you look at some of your clients. Like what's usually the reason that they're not getting the rich man, like what are they? What's the mistake that they're usually make?

Talitha Troupe 14:36

It's usually them. But usually them it's usually the women that come to me it is it's I mean, it's like, you know, being a gym trainer, and you're like, what's the problem of the people that come to see you? Well, they're fat and out of shape. Why are they fat and out of shape because they chose to be right. They're not disciplined, they're missing the steps to take to get healthy. Some of them might have a condition or whatever, but realistically, it's usually always always the person, you have the power to decide who you're going to be how you're going to be, and what you're going to be. So when it comes to men and women, women are okay to settle for whatever, when they want, whatever, when they don't know what they want, they get whatever, and they're okay with that. But when they as they begin to date throughout that, whatever, and they're like, I hate this, I want this, I want this, I want this. By the time you get to a man with money, you look at yourself and take a real reflection moment. Are you in the condition of the kind of woman that the man you want? Once? Usually, that answer is no. Usually, it's, it's either an emotional thing. It's not quite as often a physical thing as you would think like most people are like, you can only date a rich man, if you're young and your heart and your body is your size to like, that's not true. I've married off plenty of chicks, all different sizes, all different colors. It's more of what can you provide to a person that is already successful in the financial right? But they're clearly missing something in other areas of their life, the intangible things, the things you can't pay for one of the references book all the time, one of the five love languages, is he missing? And can you fulfill that? In

Nick VinZant 16:25

any of the relationships though, the only thing I would think of like, okay, that would be a little bit of an issue, for lack of a better phrase for me, is if one person is looking for money, and the other person is looking for love, like, as long as two people like we both know what this is, that seems fine. But do you run into situations where no, I thought it was this? And I thought it was this and then those two ships collide?

Talitha Troupe 16:48

No, because at the core of my business, and what I represent, when it comes to relationships is exactly what I have. It is ensuring that you are the missing link in that person's life. And they are the missing link in your life.

Nick VinZant 17:07

Are you ready for some harder slash listener submitted questions?

Talitha Troupe 17:10

I love these questions because I am. I am an advocate for what I do for real, right like, because I have so if you scroll down my Instagram page, you'll see weddings, you'll see rings, you'll see engagements you'll see Yeah, you're gonna see nice cars and houses and things like that, too, that have been gifted. But you will see that the material things do not supersede the relationships.

Nick VinZant 17:38

Best place to find a rich man.

Talitha Troupe 17:41

Online, definitely, just because it expands your territory. You will meet people that you wouldn't normally meet right now one of my students just flew back in from Aruba on a private jet with a very, very obviously, I can't give you his name, but he owns a beverage company that we drink daily. He has opened up seven streams of income for her, she now has a couple of investment properties, a Jamba Juice to Dunkin Donuts, a massage and detox location, and, quote, more money than she can spend in this lifetime and quote, so she met them online. She met them on seeking a place where you would never imagine that you could find a long term relationship, but they're talking marriage.

Nick VinZant 18:28

Which one is seeking? Is that this? Is it by a different name, or is that something else?

Talitha Troupe 18:33

It's it's the dirty version of So, so real quick shout out to seeking but they've really cleaned up their act, no pun intended. They went from Are you searching it right now?

Nick VinZant 18:49

I am wondering, make sure that this is recorded. So

Talitha Troupe 18:52

your wife when she finds this in your search history.

Nick VinZant 18:54

I know as we were talking about I was like I don't know if I want

Talitha Troupe 18:58

so so if you're safe to search it, but it is a dating site, and it is for established men to meet women or established women to meet men. But they've completely rebranded everything. It used to be like a hookup sugar site, like you know, come here, sugar, baby, daddy kind of thing. But they really really put a lot of money time and effort into just re establishing themselves and you know, doing greater measures to ensure that there's quality men on the site or they're still douchebags offshore or they're still you know, horny hoppers. Absolutely. But that's everywhere. You know, you meet that in a bar just as much as you meet it at a lounge as much as you meet it at Four Seasons, you know, those men exist. However, I found that when you know the formula to online dating and you do it the right way, you can meet some incredible people and the relationships may not last forever. But while you are in the midst of that relationship, you make the most of it, creating per peaceful and profitable relationships is the goal. Profit, again is not always financial.

Nick VinZant 20:06

It's definitely interesting to me that we've been having. We've been talking for about 40 minutes. But still, anytime you bring up profit or money, like my reaction to it was just like, oh, I don't like that. I don't like that. This is about love. This is fairy tales. This is being swept off, right? Like, I still have that reaction of like, oh, I don't like that.

Talitha Troupe 20:27

That's because love makes people feel good. It's a feel good thing. And Money makes people feel bad. It's a feel bad thing unless you have it. Do

Nick VinZant 20:36

you feel like though that any of your clients or any other women out there are compromising in any way that like, man, you know what this guy, he's really busy. I don't get to see him. He doesn't really take care of the kids. He doesn't do this. He doesn't do whatever this thing that this isn't is. But he's rich. No, there's there's money make the people compromise?

Talitha Troupe 20:54

Absolutely. But not in my program. Because the women are looking for longevity. When they come to work with me. I mean, and when they do have that concern, they'll come to the group, they'll come to the community, they'll come to the call on Sunday. And they're like, Hey, Coach, you know, this guy, Manny did this red flag and that red flag and red flag red flag, but he's so rich. Like, I don't know what to do. I actually just told the student last week to stop playing with the man that she's messing with because she doesn't even like him. He's old. He's filthy, rich, but he's old. You don't like him? And he's Polly. You don't like that? You don't want to be his side thing, right? And in this polyamorous lifestyle he's living. So like, why are you even there and she's like, well, he pays half my rent. And he says, well, then you stay there, if that's what you want to accept, and you are okay with that standard, then you stay there. If you don't like it, fix it, change it. So I give them the real raw reality of it. I don't, no pun intended, sugarcoat. Because they come to me with a goal of I want to be in a relationship with somebody who can protect and provide, I want longevity, then they find me.

Nick VinZant 22:09

I'm not sure at all what this is, I've never heard this before. What is sprinkle sprinkle. I don't know what that is. So

Talitha Troupe 22:18

I can tell you that. I don't know, the person who originated it. And I every time it's written on my page, I cringe because my method of teaching is very, very different than what sprinkle sprinkle would be taught. It basically came from this idea that women are supposed to bring nothing to the table because we are the table. And if you want my time you pay me for it. And if you want to be with me, you give me an allowance or you you know, pay my bills, and I just don't I don't align with that message. I feel like if you cannot responsibly take care of your roof over your head, your food in your mouth and your clothes on your back. You're probably not in position to date anyone let alone someone that's got something to lose. You know he's got to be able to see that you can hold things down while he lifts things up. And if you can't show up in that way you don't deserve to have that man but the ideas behind sprinkle sprinkle is supposed to be you know when a gem is dropped when when there's you know something said that's like, kind of like in church when they're like Amen, right when you agree with something you just yell this out. So that's that's what it started at. But I just don't get down with sprinkle sprinkle because I don't believe that the way we are teaching these women is conducive to long term healthy relationships is very much falling backwards into that sugar game and I came from that I was one of the best Sugar Babies out there. I was getting money without having to you know, be on my back so to speak. I figured it out how to like manipulate to to get what I wanted. But it was just unfulfilling. I hit 30 And I'm like, What am I doing? Who's

Nick VinZant 24:16

mad at you man or women? Who?

Talitha Troupe 24:22

Um the men, the men are more angry with me. But

Nick VinZant 24:29

is it the rich men who are mad about this? Absolutely not.

Talitha Troupe 24:32

Absolutely love to hear about this love my work. They love my products. They DM me all the time, about how grateful they are that I'm teaching women the reality of being with men like themselves such as themselves. They applaud me and my work, they love it here. They're like, can you match me? Do you have any women and um, you know, we just started dabbling in matchmaking about a year ago but we we found I find that the men that have money, they get it because they have money. So they're not offended by a woman that wants them because of their money. Because that was part of the reason why they decided to be financially stable, was to be able to get a certain kind of woman and keep a certain kind of woman and have a certain kind of companion and she looks a certain way she acts and behaves a certain way she does certain things for me, that I would never be able to have if I was only making $30,000 a year,

Nick VinZant 25:28

are rich men getting harder to find. No,

Talitha Troupe 25:33

they're getting wiser. They're getting wiser when it comes to who they give to. They're becoming more protective of themselves and their investments. So they're no longer in this phase where they're like, Hey, you're hot, I'm gonna blow money on you. Now they're like, let me hear you say something first. Talk to me. Give me Give me some some insight on who you are and what you're after. And what are your dreams and desires and your long term goals? Oh, you don't have any long term goals? You're just Hi. Okay, I might take you to an expensive dinner once or twice see if I can get to where I want to go and then peace out. So they're just getting wiser with what they're willing to accept? And it goes beyond beauty now it goes beyond like how hot Are you?

Nick VinZant 26:19

Eventually you have to talk to him. Yeah,

Talitha Troupe 26:23

eventually you have to like eventually you have to like them.

Nick VinZant 26:25

Where do women blow it? In the sense that like

Talitha Troupe 26:30

that's kinda personal Don't you think? That was a little bit like whoa,

Nick VinZant 26:40

well if you listen if you if you don't already know I can't be the one to tell you. Where do women like? What is the trait that keeps them from getting the man they want that they just can't change

Talitha Troupe 26:55

I want I want is the trait I want is a deadly disease. I want will ruin everything. I want a house I want a car when a man I want a rich man. I want this I want that. I want a unicorn I want a friggin pony. I want is to treat I am is what they're taught by me. Right I am meaning I'm in pursuit of whatever this thing is that I say that I want. It's no longer a dream. Or fantasy or a desire. It's now a goal. Women blow women blow it at the I want they do they Yeah, I can see crumbles to pieces that the I want as soon as they get a man that falls in line with what they consider a protector. They're like, I want $200 I want $2,000 I want $2 million. I want oh you won't give me that. Okay, well, I hate you now. And he's like, You just wanted me for my money. Even if that wasn't the case of she just wanted him for his money. She just was so selfishly living in I want not I am or what do you need? They missed that point every single time.

Nick VinZant 28:10

That's pretty much all the questions that we have. Is there anything that you think we missed? Or how can people learn more sign up for the program for lack? Yeah,

Talitha Troupe 28:17

so So what I do is very unique. It is not for everybody. Some people feel like you know, love plays a much more active role and I would likely agree with you in saying that in order to create longevity in a relationship there must be love there. However, I also know that there are stipulations and standard to what love looks like for you. And if it looks like a specific lifestyle that you are actively in pursuit of achieving, then come and find me on all platforms sweet number two e li SW E T to elite everywhere. On Tik Tok on Instagram On Facebook, you can find me everywhere. And we will find what leg of the program works best for you which piece of it speaks best to you your budget, where you want to get started if you want to get your feet wet or dive all the way in. But the students that decide to come and work with me directly we get results in 30 to 60 days, you're already starting to meet incredible men, and we call them pots, potentials, right. So if you want to have a nice selection of potentials, then this is the route that you need to go to get there.

Nick VinZant 29:28

I want to thank Lee so much for joining us if you want to connect with her. We have linked to her on our social media sites. We're Profoundly Pointless on Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube. And we've also included her information in the episode description. The YouTube version of this interview will also be live on May 30 at 12:30pm Pacific. Okay, now let's bring in John Shaw and get to the pointless part of his show you Do you think that you look like the person that you are? Like, if somebody put your personality and personality characteristics into like an AI image generator? Do you think it would come out looking like you?

John Shull 30:13

I would say it'd be pretty, pretty dang close. Yeah, I think I think I would be within like the, like the 80 percentile of AI being able to accurately accurately describe me,

Nick VinZant 30:27

you feel like your outward self reflects your inner self? Yeah,

John Shull 30:31

maybe it was 20 or 40 pounds lighter. Maybe? That would be perfect.

Nick VinZant 30:35

What part? What part? Do you feel like about your personality? Do you not look like Oh,

John Shull 30:41

man? Well, that's pretty easy. And you're gonna jump on me for this? And you probably should. But are you talking about, like traits or personality wise?

Nick VinZant 30:49

Like personality wise? Like, oh, I really think I should. Okay, so for myself example? I think I do somewhat. But I also think that I should look a little bit nerdier and dorky or than I do, I think I look slightly cooler than my personality would dictate.

John Shull 31:07

Yeah, I'm pretty spot on. Actually, I there's really no personality things. You know, I can have a temper, but also, when I don't smile, I can probably be accused of being an angry person. So

Nick VinZant 31:21

Oh, yeah, you do have more of a temper than I would say that You look angry. Like, you get frustrated, but you don't look like a person who gets frustrated? Well, I mean, I'm much more annoying person than I think that I look like. Like, that would be where I my my facial characteristics don't really betray how annoying I am. It's not

John Shull 31:44

really a trait, but I don't think you would ever think that like, like, I was like a really sincere, smart person by looking at me. But I think I am both of those things.

Nick VinZant 31:57

I would agree with that. I would agree with that. Would you think that I'm actually kind of a huge comic book nerd, really into kind of sci fi things like that by looking at me. Man

John Shull 32:12

if I had never met, you know, but the fact that I know you Yes, but No, if I didn't know, you know, I would think you were into what you're into. Other than that. Rock climbing, ice sculpting, things like that. I think every every aspect of mine is pretty reflective. Except for I think I could look to be a little smarter.

Nick VinZant 32:32

Okay, on a scale of one to 10. How smart Do you think that you look? How smart Do you think that you are? Oh, I

John Shull 32:40

mean, I, I give myself a two to four on the looking actually looking today. But you know, I think I'm average of average intelligence. I mean, I would say m s five to a seven, maybe an eight terms of I would agree with that.

Nick VinZant 33:01

I would agree with that. That's like as a self assessment of a good assessment of your intelligence. Yeah. But if you weren't a bigger guy, like if you were, say, my weight, or my weight build, do you think that you would look like a smarter guy? Because I remember the first time I saw you, and I've told you this to your face, because I was like, Who is this idiot?

John Shull 33:25

I get that. Well, that's that's kind of been the story of my life. I'm the unassuming character that always gets whatever needs to be done. Done. But no, I you know, I think I don't I don't think any bigger or any smaller would do me any any favors. That's for sure.

Nick VinZant 33:43

I can see that. I can see that a little bit. I pulled the audience 36% of people said yes, I look like the person that I am inside. 18% said no. 18% said mostly 27% said somewhat, I thought this somewhat category would be much higher. Some people absolutely look, that's the thing. If somebody's like a douchebag or a jerk. They absolutely look like a douchebag or a jerk. I think negative really negative personality characteristics. You can almost always see that in somebody.

John Shull 34:20

Yeah, they're usually pretty glaring. I mean, if you really see as we're stereotyping the shit out of every kind of personality trait. I mean, people usually dress and look and act the way that they are. I mean, Harry Potter, you just know as a nerd. Tom Brady, you know, as an arrogant asshole that's probably really rich and was good at something. You know what I mean?

Nick VinZant 34:44

Yeah, I feel like jerky characteristics though, that that really shows on somebody's face. Like if somebody's an asshole, you can see that a long way off like Oh, I bet Yep. And they look they act exactly the way that they look. Some people it's like a perfect match.

John Shull 35:00

Let's give some shout outs. People don't want to hear me talk about that. So we'll start with John Luke Barban. Like I like that name John Luke.

Nick VinZant 35:10

I do like John Luke. Right? I feel like every French person if you have if you are from France or French I feel like at least one person in your family needs to be named John Luke. Every French family has to have a John Luke in there somewhere.

John Shull 35:26

Luis Irati Clemente Soto, Ivan, Laura Carlos, Callie Rez Cortez. I goo. Connie when Jenny cat wick Melissa home, Jessica cool him. And Anthony Finney. Congratulations to all of you out there this week.

Nick VinZant 35:55

I don't mind tonight. I don't mind and I think we could bring up we could. We could bring Ike back. That's a name that I could see coming back as Ike.

John Shull 36:06

Not against Ike. And for some reason this. This is a random question I've been wanting to talk to somebody about. So I'm going to ask you because you're literally the only human interaction I have. I've had of a joyous kind lately. Mike Tyson, Jake, Paul, do you care? Is it going to be fixed? I feel like Mike Tyson would destroy him if it was a real fight.

Nick VinZant 36:29

I don't know if Mike Tyson doesn't when it completely jeopardizes any shot of legitimacy that he ever had. Mike Tyson has to win that. I mean, like Tyson, even some of the videos that you see now where Mike Tyson is, let's say 60 He still looks like he moves better. He looks stronger. He looks faster. Like if Mike Tyson loses that. It completely invalidated it. It completely shows that it the whole thing is a sham. Which I think it is a sham anyway, or at least he's picking people that like okay, he's gonna win this. He's probably obviously talented, but he's not Mike Tyson. Like if he beats Mike Tyson, the whole thing is clearly a sham.

John Shull 37:13

The only way that I would say he's like, like, it'd be okay. He'd be I mean, Mike Tyson. 60. Right, or 55 or

Nick VinZant 37:20

something. Something call it 6055 60. What's the difference? Right? Yeah. But

John Shull 37:25

like, if they go like five real rounds, and Jake has, you know, if his eyes are huge, you know, like, if he's bruising and bleeding, and he just catches Tyson with something. Like, okay, maybe. But if they just dance around, and he hits Tyson a couple of times and Tyson goes down, you know, kind of like it wasn't as brother and Money Mayweather or something I forget. But that was clearly that was clearly staged, or the Conor McGregor Money Mayweather fights. I mean, yeah, McGregor is incredibly athletic. But you're facing one of the greatest boxers ever. And he can't Yeah,

Nick VinZant 38:02

it's not the same thing. It's not the same thing. Right. Like, I still think that his 60 year old Mike Tyson is still a professional athlete. And one of the best boxers of all time. Like if he loses. Come on. Yeah, I don't I would still, you know, yeah.

John Shull 38:22

Alright, well, I don't know if we've ever done the segment before, but I Oh, I put more than 1010 minutes of thought into it. So we'll see.

Nick VinZant 38:30

Okay, okay. Okay. So

John Shull 38:33

it's called Fang Profoundly Pointless Fact or Fiction?

Nick VinZant 38:38

Oh, haven't we done this before?

John Shull 38:39

This is a lot. This is a little bit of a twist. Okay. Okay. So I'm gonna give you three things. And one of them is the truth. Two of them, obviously, are not. And they're all regarding my life. Oh,

Nick VinZant 38:55

okay. Okay, I like it. I like it. Because sometimes when we've had we've done similar, slightly similar things. And there's been factual interpretations. Your factual interpretations have been a little loose. Like when you claim that a word, which was in the dictionary was not a word, but I like it that is related to your life. Okay. All right.

John Shull 39:14

So let's go like this. All right. So let's start off here. This one should be relatively easy. I would think I got the meat sweats so bad that I passed out. I have been paragliding in the Pacific Ocean or I was inadvertently part of a drug deal in the in a Caribbean island.

Nick VinZant 39:36

Got all three of those are legitimate possibilities. I can see all three of those Wait, now wait a minute. Is there any kind of stipulation things like it's going to be? I have been paragliding in the Pacific Ocean? And I say yes, but no, I was paragliding in the Atlantic Ocean. Is there any technicality stuff?

John Shull 39:57

No, no, I mean, these are all aisle three. I have three of these and all of them are you know there's one that's right and the other two are not correct. Oh

Nick VinZant 40:07

one that's right. And the other two are not correct. Well, inadvertently part of a drug deal I feel like that is probably true. And wouldn't just make something up like that.

John Shull 40:20

Damn, that is correct. Wow, that is okay. Yeah, I'm

Nick VinZant 40:24

gonna I'm gonna say that I want to say that you getting the meat set sweats and passing out is not true. Only because I feel like that's the thing that you feel like I would bite on. So I'm going to say that that one's actually not true. Because I think that you have been paragliding

John Shull 40:53

so you're going with the drug deal.

Nick VinZant 40:56

Is the way What am I supposed to guess the one that's fixture the one that's true. I

John Shull 40:59

guess the one that is the truth.

Nick VinZant 41:04

Oh, the one that is the truth I think is the drug is probably see the dad or the paragliding. But I'm gonna go with a drug deal. Just because I think it'd be funnier.

John Shull 41:19

You are correct. It was the drug deal? Yes. You are

Nick VinZant 41:21

inadvertently Part How did it happen? Give me the short version of it.

John Shull 41:26

wife and I were honeymooning in Grenada. And we were off if you've ever been to like a resort, you know, they have all these peers that go out into the ocean and and we were out there, it's probably about 10 o'clock at night or so. And we hear us a speedboat go by with no lights on whatsoever. And I mean, it's pitch blackout. And then next thing, next thing I know you hear a splash. And then you know, you could just see like a little beacon on top of a package and it was floating to the shore. If it wasn't drugs, I don't know what else it was. But I'm saying it was a drug deal. So

Nick VinZant 42:02

Wow. Wow. Why were you at this let's late at night. It's a little late at night to be out there and open water by the way. It's dangerous.

John Shull 42:15

All right, let's let's go for number two here.

Nick VinZant 42:17

I couldn't see what to do. Okay.

John Shull 42:22

All right, number two, I broken both wrists at the same time. During football, back when I was younger, obviously. I got into a collision so severe that my ears bled. Or number three, got hospitalized for swallowing a bouncy ball

Nick VinZant 42:52

calm at all. No, I feel like broken a two minute break by the way is 332

John Shull 43:00

If anyone at home that's listening this has ever done any of these I really hope that you comment on her social because these are all incredible things I think

Nick VinZant 43:09

I'm gonna go with yes you do. Football I think the football thing I'm gonna go with a football thing that your ears blood.

John Shull 43:20

That is actually false.

Nick VinZant 43:24

Okay, give me my second guess. You can't you weren't hospitalized for it swallowing a bouncy ball. Where are you? I hope not. I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and say that you broke your wrist twice, both of your wrists at the same time. Because if you were somehow hospitalized for drinking, very swallowing a bouncy ball, I'm concerned for the future of your children.

John Shull 43:52

I can tell you that I was indeed hospitalized for swallowing a bouncy ball.

Nick VinZant 44:01

Well, how old were you? All I want is the age. How old were you?

John Shull 44:08

I don't remember the exact I was between nine and 11. I can tell you that. I don't remember the exact age. I

Nick VinZant 44:12

have a seven year old. I have a seven year old who you can trust to ride his bike around the neighborhood in a major city which is I live in Seattle. And I have a seven year old that you can trust to go walk the dog and be gone for like 20 or 30 minutes on his own. A nine to 11 year old who is hospitalized for swallowing the bouncy ball. You should know better by that age. Like that's the age like you should know not to do that. Somebody dared you to do it.

John Shull 44:40

No, nope. I was alone. And I just swallowed it.

Nick VinZant 44:48

And you know honestly, if I was your dad, I would have been like, you know, maybe maybe you shouldn't save him. Well maybe you shouldn't take him to the hospital. For

John Shull 45:00

all you younger people out there, there was no internet at the time. Or you

Nick VinZant 45:05

shouldn't need the internet. That's not something that you should be Googling should I swallow a bouncy ball?

John Shull 45:12

I was just gonna say. So I remember my mother was on the phone with poison control for like 20 minutes. And poison. Well, you don't know what's in the bounce. Right? I guess you're right. You're right, you're right. And then I remember I started, I started coffee or something. And they took me straight to the ER, and yeah, the doctor was like, there's not much I can do for like, it's gonna melt in his stomach. So just take a strainer home and shit into that. And if it comes out, try to catch it and bring it back.

Nick VinZant 45:48

Why did they want it back?

John Shull 45:50

to I don't know, I just remember. I don't know. I've had that scenario a few times where I've had to, you know, pee your poop in the strainers. And it's, it's pretty uncomfortable. Not gonna lie to you.

Nick VinZant 46:03

If I was your parents in this situation, I would be absolutely furious. I would be absolutely furious with myself for reproducing. It's like dude, I would be you're nine years old. Like he should know better. I will be so mad. Anyways, I was so disappointed. I would be furious at whatever God I believed in for allowing this me to reproduce.

John Shull 46:32

All right, the last one here. I've been lost in the Appalachian Mountains and required a park ranger for assistance to get me back, you know, to where I was. Was on a farm. And it was hurting sheep and got run over by the sheep I was hurting. Or three. I played in a Bon Jovi cover band.

Nick VinZant 47:05

And it's not a technicality kind of thing. Like I played in the band because I walked up there. And I pressed the keyboard one time, because I'm technically at one point was the third fastest kid in the state of Kansas, which is like one of those things. That's true, but not true in any way whatsoever. Like I can say that I was, but it's not true at all.

John Shull 47:24

No, I mean, that's, that would be a technicality. That would be allowed. Sure. Yes. Okay,

Nick VinZant 47:31

then you played in a Bon Jovi cover band?

John Shull 47:34

No, I have not.

Nick VinZant 47:38

You got lost in the Appalachian woods? I don't even know. Because all of these things are equally possible. This is the best job of like having things that are like all equally possible that you've ever done.

John Shull 47:52

Are you I did not get lost? It was the hurting the sheep.

Nick VinZant 47:58

That was the real one. You got ran over by a sheep. Not

John Shull 48:01

only I mean, I got both of those to buy these cheap. It was by a Chevy person. Yeah, by many I've actually.

Nick VinZant 48:15

How, how old were you when you got ran over by sheep?

John Shull 48:21

Once again, either 2022 or three.

Nick VinZant 48:28

I love the fact that you started all I heard at first because of an internet breakup was the two and I thought no way is this guy gonna say he's in his 20s Don't mess with sheep though. I've a guy actually lost a fight to A. I don't remember if it was a pygmy dwarf or a pygmy goat or like a dwarf goat. But I was all hammered. And I was like, let's see what happens if I like try to put my head down there and see if this goat like rears up. And it did and it knocked the living crap out of me and it was maybe 12 pounds. So I completely believe that you could get wrecked by sheep. Did you get hurt?

John Shull 49:03

I mean, I had scrapes and some bruising, but it was nothing too severe. But yeah, I was I was dating a girl who her parents owned a farm some farmland and her brothers were like come herd some sheep with us and some cattle and next thing you know, I'm out there like making these wolf noises at these sheep and they just turn towards me. And that's the last thing I kind of remember. I remember getting knocked down and then run over and yeah, it was it was bad man. It was not good.

Nick VinZant 49:36

Did they do it on purpose? Do they like tell you the wrong thing so you could get wrecked by the sheep.

John Shull 49:44

They definitely said that that had never happened before but they never on purpose.

Nick VinZant 49:51

How much longer did this relationship last after you got ran over by the sheep?

John Shull 49:58

Oh god four to six As

Nick VinZant 50:00

you Oh, so it kept going for a while, but you were always going to be in that family, the boyfriend who got ran over by the sheep, they talk about you every Thanksgiving or Christmas, you come up once a year as the ex boyfriend who got ran over by a sheep. And then somebody says that the same guy who was hospitalized for swallowing a bouncy ball when he was about to go into high school. Dude.

John Shull 50:28

Oh, well, you got one out of three. Maybe we'll try it again next week. If

Nick VinZant 50:32

that was tough, though, man. Because usually I can kind of you have a pattern or you kind of give it away slightly. Or I just know it because it's something that's come up, but I can't believe I didn't know about you being ran over by sheep. That's hilarious. I

John Shull 50:47

know. That's the thing is I was thinking there's a lot that I'm not sure that we've talked about. So I still got some disabilities. Yeah, so got some things in my my pockets maybe.

Nick VinZant 50:58

Okay, um, are you ready for our top five?

John Shull 51:02

I am. Let's do it.

Nick VinZant 51:03

So our top five is top five emojis is a listener request. I don't have it written down who it was, but whoever it was, thank you is a good suggestion. I was like, Oh, that's a good one. What's your number five.

John Shull 51:16

So I'm gonna go with these sideways eyes.

Nick VinZant 51:22

I had to burp writers, I was gonna say something. It may have just come across as like a book. But it just came up. I have noticed that I want to ask you something about this. And then we let's go back to your emoji. But ever since I work fully remote, I work fully from home. And there's nobody around my house. So whenever my need to do something that involves bodily flatulence, I just do it. And now I've caught myself doing it much more in public. And I'm wondering if people who are working remotely, are passing gas in public now more because they don't have to hide it. Like your muscles aren't as developed anymore? Like I don't have to hold it for anybody. So it just comes out sometimes. But okay. I can see the sideways eyes. I can see the sideways. I'm not in a lot of conversations that I'm having sideways eyes with. But I would definitely I could see it. I can see it.

John Shull 52:14

I just, you know, like, would you send me the random texts on a Saturday night? And I'm just like, oh, okay, great. Sideways eyes. Ah,

Nick VinZant 52:25

I believe I texted you about the macho man. Yeah, brother. Man, he's uh, he's we someday we're gonna have to do top five wrestlers, I would put macho man up there. Not in terms of like, their overall wrestling ability. But just in terms of like, everybody knows who that person is. I would have to put the macho man in that everybody. Macho Man is, um, my number five is the stone face slash Easter Island head. That just cracks me up every time I see that for some reason. I like the way it's been used. I

John Shull 53:01

can honestly say I don't think I've ever used that one.

Nick VinZant 53:06

I've never used it, but it's popped up a lot lately. And I find it to be entertaining. It just makes it like what's your number four?

John Shull 53:15

So my number four is the 100% emoji. So it's the 100 with the two lines below it?

Nick VinZant 53:24

Yeah, I agree. I think that for us, probably the best emojis are the ones that allow us to respond without really having to continue the conversation. Like I can just put 100 100 I don't know what to say. But I could just put that those are the most used emojis for me is one that replaces my ability to have to have any kind of actual conversation.

John Shull 53:48

or very little thought and anything where I don't really have to think is good.

Nick VinZant 53:51

Yeah, I would agree. My number four is the eggplant emoji. It's a funny emoji. It cracks me up.

John Shull 54:02

It's fine. I mean, I once again I don't think I've really ever used it. Which maybe says a lot about my personal life, but

Nick VinZant 54:10

I don't think I've ever used it or been sent it which is probably about par for the course for a man has been married 10 years. Not getting any not getting any eggplant emoji sent to me. I don't even know what what I would do at this point. Like oh, God. Shower.

John Shull 54:31

Means I gotta get ready. All right. That's it my number three. Man. This is where it gets tough, but I'm gonna put the poop emoji as my number three.

Nick VinZant 54:44

Okay, okay, I have poop a little bit higher. I have poop is my number two. My number three is the looking emoji. Which basically I just use it work for when like, I don't really have a response and I'm like, Oh, I'm looking at it. Let me take a look. I'm thinking well When really I'm not doing anything, but I find the looking emoji to be like it's a time buyer buys you time. Like, Hey, have you taken a look at this? Like no, I haven't. I'll put that emoji now. I got an extra two days.

John Shull 55:13

Extra today. Oh my god. My number two is the beer glass emoji. The cheers emoji.

Nick VinZant 55:24

Oh, you must have a nicer phone than I do. I didn't know that existed. There's your glasses.

John Shull 55:33

Yeah. And it's just cheering. Cheers.

Nick VinZant 55:37

Oh, I don't have that. I don't have that kind of technology.

John Shull 55:42

Blackberry, that's a good one, though up. You need to upgrade.

Nick VinZant 55:45

If I could still have a Blackberry. I absolutely would, under present would. What's my number two I mentioned was the poop emoji. What's your number one?

John Shull 55:55

It's boring. But it's the one that I use the absolute most. And it's just the thumbs up emoji.

Nick VinZant 56:01

But that's the best emoji. I think every man would agree that the thumbs up emoji is the best emoji because it allows us to say something without actually having to put any thought into it or effort or really saying anything, which just sounds good.

John Shull 56:16

I mean, kinda like what you said earlier that I feel like I mean, I can respond with that to most anything. And it's people like, okay, he got it, or he saw it, or he's working on it. Or, you know, he got my statement or whatever. Like, it's, I Okay, I got it. Like, I'll do with it, whatever else needs to be done with it.

Nick VinZant 56:34

Right? It effectively communicates and ends the conversation. For sure. Right? Because once you send the thumbs up, the conversation is over. Nobody's gonna respond to you again after the thumbs up.

John Shull 56:48

Let me ask you this. Am I Dick when people send me full on statements or sentences? And I just like it a

Nick VinZant 56:56

little bit. I mean, but sometimes there's nothing to say. Like I don't I think that that's different a little bit for men who are more just like yes, no. Yes, no. And that's all I've got. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Cool. That sounds good. I mean, if you said like, here's our plan for today, I want to do this, this this, this, this, this this. Thumbs up. Sounds good. I have nothing else to say.

John Shull 57:22

I do have a few in my honorable mention.

Nick VinZant 57:25

Okay. Okay. Okay.

John Shull 57:27

I have the the I don't know emoji. You know where the guy's hands are going outwards. Okay. Okay. facepalm emoji. Good one. Also good one. I feel like I gotta put the fire in the heart in there as well.

Nick VinZant 57:43

Yeah, I don't use the heart emoji at all. I don't use the heart emoji at all because the only person that I would send that to is my wife. And I'm not going to dare have a paper trail of a heart emoji on anything else.

John Shull 57:59

Well, as we were talking, I just sent you a heart. So did you

Nick VinZant 58:03

did oh, you sent me a heart and the beer glasses one. Here made a heart it. Oh, I love that. I do use the haha one. I do find it easier to communicate a little bit if you could communicate only in emojis. Would you do that? Yes. Yeah, I would too. I would too. I would communicate in single words. Hungry. Tired. It's really be right. Like I feel like I could have a perfectly fine existence communicating and only one word sentences.

John Shull 58:41

For sure. No doubt.

Nick VinZant 58:45

You should have just said yes. Ah, okay, that's gonna go ahead and do it for this episode of Profoundly Pointless. I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, leave us a quick review. We really appreciate it really helps us out and let us know what you think are some of the best emojis I don't really think you can beat thumbs up. But all I could understand some other options.