Profoundly Pointless

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Entertainer Alexis Fawx

From films and fetish work to cannabis, comedy and coffee, Alexis Fawx is an all-around entertainer and entrepreneur. We talk award-winning sex work, interesting foot fetish requests and more. Then, we countdown the Top 5 Birthdays.

Alexis Fawx: 01:46ish

Pointless: 23:55ish

Top 5: 39:12ish  (Alexis Fawx Website)  (Alexis Fawx Twitter) (Alexis Fawx Instagram) (Alexis Fawx Podcast) (Alexis Fawx Foot Fetish Site) (All Alexis Fawx Links and Websites)

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Interview with Alexis Fawx

Nick VinZant 0:11

Hey everybody welcome to Profoundly Pointless My name is Nick VinZant coming up in this episode, a little bit of everything plus birthdays.

Alexis Fawx 0:21

There's armpit fetishes there's cheese fetishes there I mean I remember when I first started webcaming and there was this guy he took everybody to private just to watch him eat cheese or watch no he wanted to watch you eat cheese it got me healthy it got me healthy mind body and spirit like 100 million times percent. And I love where I am now and I have the industry to thank for that because it's given me that opportunity to take the time I love growing cannabis especially like popping that from seed I have the reason why I like growing cannabis is because it's such a if you plant really communicates with you you know when needs water you know when it needs nutrients.

Nick VinZant 1:01

I want to thank you so much for joining us if you get a chance like download Subscribe, Share, we really appreciate it really helps us out. So our first guest is Alexis box. And while she's most famous for being an adult films, which is fascinating. She's also involved in so many interesting things. Everything from fetish work, to cannabis, coffee, beer, podcast, variety shows travel, so many things that for the first time I didn't really even know where to start. So I picked what to me was the most recent thing. Foot fetishes you've been doing adult films for a while but what made you transition into the foot fetish aspect of it

Alexis Fawx 1:51

I wouldn't say that it's dropping off it's just expanding what I already do. You know it was just an opportunity to be on a foot site so I took it because I believe in having multiple streams of income and not concentrating on just one site. So feet a F is just another is just safer work foot site makes it super easy. I can take pictures all day at my feet and send it up and make little albums of it

Nick VinZant 2:12

when you go into the different fetishes is like the foot fetish different than another fetish or are they all kind of the same and in a different way if that makes any sense.

Alexis Fawx 2:21

Well I mean you're gonna use your feet in different ways and like when you do customs you are getting really that individual person's like fetish so they may be like I only want to see your soles I want them dirty wear a skirt with it or you know or be nude or this or that and then the next person may be ordering another foot fetish and say you know, I would like for you to be more on your toes or you know, everybody's different and you could get down to the very simple incurrence or you know little intricate details you know, I would like to only have you wear red and have your toes painted this color and it you know, people I have long toes, my toes you know, so I get a lot of requests for that. So I've learned how to move those in ways that are really interesting and intricate for those people that like that that ish, but like any fetish that I I have a lot of requests for I you know, research to make sure like okay, like, what are the terms? What are what are the phrases that people may like or really into and I just try to take note of all those different things, because you're going to hit a lot of people with those. Does that make sense?

Nick VinZant 3:27

So you would like you didn't necessarily start out as this is just like an avenue that you had like, Hey, I'm doing this so I'm going to do this too.

Alexis Fawx 3:34

Once you get into adult work, like you You gain fans and fans are gonna tell you what they like and foot fetish is a very popular fetish. I guess I'm a hustler in a sense, like, you know, hey, if they want to offer me a site to do something, and it's it's you know, it's I'm already kind of doing it. It just makes sense to do it. But yeah, I mean, you could have there's armpit fetishes. There's cheese fetishes there. I mean, I remember when I first started webcaming and there was this guy he took everybody to private just to watch him eat cheese or watch No, he wanted to watch you eat cheese. So it's like do you eat cheese in the refrigerator and be like yeah, he was like Okay, I'll take it a private and like it's like a one line webcast. Are you familiar with like webcam? Yeah, yeah, we are on webcam. Yeah, I have a block of Swiss and you'd be like oh go get it. I'll take it into private we'll eat cheese. Okay. And like yeah, you can have someone you know literally they're paying per minute to watch you eat cheese or or put lotion on your feet if it's the foot fetish or you know there's also you can you know, it depending on what you can also use a toy and pretend that toy and it's just like, almost like you're doing jerk off instructions, but with your feet. It's you know, it's just kind of all internet intermingled.

Nick VinZant 4:49

I keep thinking about the cheese guy with a specific comment. I was gonna

Alexis Fawx 4:53

have nightmares about that. Just think about cheddar cheese. There's somebody staring at you while you eat some cheese. For like 30 for 30 for 30 minutes just eat cheese

Nick VinZant 5:05

was it was it specific kind like he felt differently about cheddar than he did about Swiss or something? It was just the

Alexis Fawx 5:11

fact of eating cheese I got some cheese right here but to give you the visual

Nick VinZant 5:18

I'm alright I'm alright you

Alexis Fawx 5:21

know and smoking fetish I mean that's another one that you know people would like to Hey geez I don't smoke cigarettes I smoke weed but I don't smoke cigarettes. But first of all I'm smoking fetish people you know, it has to be a certain type of cigarette you know what I mean? So they have all that but I really only like the Marvel 1000s or whatever the fuck they're called. And I'm like no, I don't smoke that but if you want me to roll a joint or a blind I'm cool with that. But at least I'll have some fun in the meantime I'm not going to totally destroy my lungs with a bunch of chemicals I don't understand

Nick VinZant 5:47

getting into the more kind of general questions so you know you were in the Air Force How did you get how'd you get started in the industry

Alexis Fawx 5:54

I was in the Air Force A long time ago did that to get out of my small town to move around to have experience to start living life been to college went to school have a degree in physiological psychology specialization or anatomy was working you know in the nine to five bullshit Jobs was miserable and hold off and quit everything and I was living in my Miami Florida at the time. So I was like Oh shit, maybe I should get a job like after six months or something like that. And Craigslist had a ad to be an extra on Dancing bear and I'm a free spirit. I've had a lot of sex I don't like I'm pretty open but all my shit. And I'm like, Oh, I love porn to be an extra that'd be kind of cool to watch people fuck or whatever. So I went in I was going down just to be an extra in here like they needed extra girls to do blow jobs that day and I was like fuck yeah all right, I just raised my hand I was like yeah, I can get paid that much for a blowjob. Lucky I'll do it. And I did it and the next day I was booked for a boy girl and I had a name and everything in history has been written

Nick VinZant 6:58

Did you ever regret it at any point?

Alexis Fawx 7:00

No, never I have never regretted my decisions.

Nick VinZant 7:03

What are you were you surprised kind of when it when it happened? Like how quickly the transition was made.

Alexis Fawx 7:11

You know I think when you're in it you're not really noticing the transition or like like holy shit this is really becoming a career I think like you know you just dive into it and you get into it you start doing it and I even like it feels like I guess like I don't know I'm still surprised today like I still you know when fans come up to me and they recognize me It still feels like the vote like oh my god they know who I am like it's still like wow, I'm still that it shows that personality of like a small town Pennsylvania girl, you know, like, it's never gonna leave me But yeah, it's been a hell of it's been a great career I am so happy and I'm so happy that I did say yes for that opportunity because it gave me a lot of freedom and the freedom that has given me is the time and when you have freedom time to be able to do the things that you want to do and create your own schedule, you become a lot happier person, you're no longer working for somebody else's dreams you can start working for your own dreams and now you're making the money to do so. So it almost like completely changed my life for the better. I was probably not in the best spot and mentally physically or emotionally or spiritually at that time and like seeing yourself on camera Twitter research starting out noticing how people hang on to your every word. Like it just made me think well if I'm going to be on this I'm going to be in this and people are going to see me Follow me Do whatever then I am going to get healthy I'm going to project a healthy image and not just project it and just pretend it but actually be it and be consistent and those actions you know then this is gonna be a great career and business decision and it has and that's how I've just always approached it is you know, it got me healthy it got me healthy mind body and spirit like 100 million times percent. And I love where I am now and I have the industry to thank for that because it's given me that opportunity to take the time for yourself love self care, and do those things in the passions that really really drive my soul and keep my soul on fire. Like I've been able to start different businesses I'm able to travel I'm able to make to say you know what, I'm gonna go do this today. I'm gonna go shoot my bow and arrow in the fucking desert. I'm gonna go do that. And I know I'm rarely gonna go do to the desert and go shoot my bow and arrow. I said it I'm gonna go do it.

Nick VinZant 9:18

Yeah, the thing that I've always wondered about people who are in adult films, it's like what's your what's what's your life? Like? Because the preconceived notion that I have and right we all know what preconceived notions are like, you go to a film set. You have sex on camera, and then it's parties at night like just this crazy lifestyle. This is what I'm imagining. So correct me where I'm wrong like what's what's yours your average adult actresses life really like?

Alexis Fawx 9:47

Again, I will only speak from my personal Yeah, I can only speak from my own personal and how I how I control and I will never speak on other people's lives and make generalizations on other people. However, for myself and for a lot of people that I consider friends in the industry because usual usually flock to those that are very much alike or that inspire right try to flock to those that inspire me that are smart intelligent and they're moving forward with our lives in many directions I don't go out and party I actually ever since I got into the industry I never was I've never been that person like oh yeah let's go party and you don't go party after set you're exhausted you know you're tired you may have a shoot the next day you may have an eight o'clock call time you may have been on set for 12 hours maybe you're working a feature you have you know millions and other things to think about other than going out and doing parties and you know, we I don't have onset romances I don't really know anybody who does not that I would give a shit to tell their story anyway. It's just you know, I mean it's just it's I think the preconceived ideas are always funny because you guys get that from movies that you've seen you think about the 70s and I'm gonna say that maybe it hasn't happened or doesn't happen but it's never happened with me. I don't know and it's not something I think happens on anywhere regular at all it's just like if you go to an industry party is like an avian party so my thing for any party because I'm not a party girl I'm an introvert I like my little home base. I go I do about one I could do about 90 minutes make me shake all the hands I need to shake and I get the fuck out of there and go eat food. But that's me and it's not that we just shoot on camera we're shooting our own content we're writing our own content we are we're planning our lives we are you know I have a coffee business a podcast a comedy show you know I'm making a wine this year I did a beer I'm doing my second beer club you know, I just shot content yesterday I was just shooting a calendar all last week which was about 14 different looks covering my being you know, like whatever, which is long days that's 1214 hour days people don't realize and then like I have to sit here and I get into my computer and I will spend all day on my computer probably the next couple days just catching up on my DMS on all the different private sites that I have you know the subscription site so the only fans is easy Plus, it's not like we just sit around be like get a call me like hey, do you wanna fuck so and so we got cameras on it doesn't happen that way.

Nick VinZant 12:08

Do you have to kind of strike while the iron is hot? I mean, you've had a long career. But is Is anybody in the industry? Is the clock kind of ticking on them?

Alexis Fawx 12:16

I don't really look at that way. I mean, I think like I don't have any clock ticking. I just like to do I love what I do. So why not do it until I don't want to do more.

Nick VinZant 12:29

Okay, are you ready for some harder slash listener submitted questions? Yeah, let's do it. How much does acting matter? Or how much like acting would you say you're doing in a scene? Or is that that's really how you're feeling in the moment

Alexis Fawx 12:43

you know, it depends on the scene and your scene partners you know like luckily I've been in and I work a lot with the same individuals so we know our we know what we're doing and so that kind of we just have fun at that point because we know what to do we know where the cameras are there is it you know that's not really accurate we're just having a really good time and enjoying it acting part you know is more in the dialogue and things of that nature. Some people you know you may have never worked with before and you know the biggest thing you want to create some chemistry so that you the viewer is going to get into that you know the chemistry of the past like whatever you guys see on another side

Nick VinZant 13:25

are you generally doing scenes with people that like in if this wasn't your job like oh yeah I would probably do this with this person if the camera wasn't here

Alexis Fawx 13:35

oh no I'm not match with anybody that like I don't date in the industry or anything like that. I don't even look at it that way I just this is a person I work with. I told him look at it like I really don't I don't look at any single person whether it's female or male and thought I would date you outside of this I never I'd never never crossed my mind I don't think that way these are these are actresses and actors that I work with I have a note like total respect for them and I don't put them in that I don't put them in my imagination like that

Nick VinZant 14:03

hardest kind of scene to do.

Alexis Fawx 14:07

Hardest kind of scene for me for me to do. It's any scene that's really late in the night and I haven't been able to eat and we have any more Angel NDP are getting pretty easy. That means I don't know Joe, was my hardest thing. Um, hardest things to do. It's just maybe I think the hardest time I ever have is like sometimes when maybe. I don't know like maybe when the person maybe when people are things just are prepared. But I mean like things things don't really happen really anymore. You know, it was a lot harder when I was you know, newer in the industry, maybe I don't know that.

Nick VinZant 14:51

Things people want you to do but you won't like most frequent requests

Alexis Fawx 15:00

Like I mean, my boundaries are pretty just basic like I'm not going to like obviously I'm not going to do any kind of. I'm just not comfortable doing any type of medical Dom or anything that involves body like feces. Like really just I'm not into gross things I consider girls that's uh you know, I don't I don't know there's just it just I mean the things that I wouldn't do or just I think common sense shit like I don't even really like to answer those questions because it's like I'm not gonna sit here and name I don't even like see Yeah, I'm just there's just things that you wouldn't do I probably wouldn't do it like, I don't know. Yeah, just common sense stuff I don't do like there's there's certain words or certain not going to vomit I'm not going to you know, like there's just there's things that you could ask that I'm just like, no not gonna vomit. Oh, I don't write my name on boards or my body i don't i think that's that's just not me. I'm not going to do that. A lot of times you get asked like, Hey, can you write my Can you write your name on a piece of paper or you know this or that I don't do that because they can actually literally in Photoshop take that out and put something else in they can? And I just don't want to play with that. You know what I mean? I'm like, I know and also i really i to me, I don't know why I feel this way but I am not writing another person's name on my body. I don't have any names on my body and it's not gonna gonna happen. It just to me is No.

Nick VinZant 16:25

Are those kinds of requests are they frequent? Or do you just like get them where you get them sporadically? Favorite, your favorite type of scene?

Alexis Fawx 16:33

My favorite type of scene? I don't really pick favorites. I don't really do this kind of stuff. Because every scene can be great. I like I really don't have like I don't really don't pick favorites. I don't pick favorite male actors or female actors. I don't pick this thing over that thing. I really kind of take x age experience for what it is. And it's not really in my interest or I care to pick favorites of any sort. I enjoyed the PC and I enjoy ALCS I enjoyed my boy girl scenes I just simple that scenes, girl girl scenes. Dialogue days, it doesn't. I don't really have a favorite.

Nick VinZant 17:19

Just kind of whatever's

Alexis Fawx 17:21

whatever. Like the variety that I'm able to have at work like it's not like I don't go to their office and open open up the same book every day.

Nick VinZant 17:28

What is your personal favorite porn title? Like the title of a film or a scene that you didn't like? That's a pretty good title.

Alexis Fawx 17:37

Okay, well, I actually wrote a few that are my favorites. I will pick those because I wrote them and imagine them and and then pitch them to to mind geek, actually, I did unbound. And I did the voyer next door. And those were my favorite titles, because those were things that I came up with and they produced and they also came up for nomination for awards. So yeah, they did really well.

Nick VinZant 18:03

pretty popular. When people kind of recognize you out in public, do they usually come like right up and introduce themselves? Or say, Hey, I know who you are.

Alexis Fawx 18:12

It would depend on the person. I mean, when he recognized someone that you saw in the porn industry, would you walk up to them? Or would you be shy about it? Because it's really an individual. You might stare you might look you might, you'll do like the look back like I think I know you or that you can always tell the glands you can always tell in the eyes and it really does individual base some people feel very confident and they'll come up and ask for a hug or a pitcher. Usually as a pitcher. I'm not really into like hugging and kissing. I don't really like that. Um, but you know, I don't mind put my arm around somebody hugs All right, sometimes, but no, don't ask me because we have my face. That's not not allowed. Um, and then there's, you know, you have the individual like, I think I know you from somewhere and I'm like, Yeah, probably internet. I love it also, like whenever they say. Yeah, but I was like, Oh, yeah, that's where I know you. But I don't really watch that much. I'm like, I'm one person you can be honest about if you want to know what Tell me watch porn 24 hours, seven days a week, I could care less like that's that's you. That's awesome. You know, kudos. So it really just depends on the person. People people know that I'm very friendly and very approachable. And I love getting my picture taken with fans. I think that's the coolest thing ever. I'm still like, like I said before, you know, it still feels like the first time that when someone says hey, how can I get a picture with you? It's like, cool. Yeah, of course.

Nick VinZant 19:39

Okay, on a scale of one to 10 with one being like somebody you've nobody's ever heard of. And 10 being the most famous people that you can imagine right? Like a list celebrities, etc. At what level would you say is the most famous person that has tried to get into your DMS

Alexis Fawx 19:58

I don't look at my DMS If you at all I don't look at my DMS on any free public social media at all. So if there's anybody sitting in there I'm never going to read it never going to answer it. If you want to get my dm then you would definitely have to subscribe to me and if there's people or celebrities that are subscribed to me and stuff like that, that's their business not mine and I would also never

Nick VinZant 20:20

say what's your best gardening tip?

Alexis Fawx 20:23

Oh yeah, somebody that knows I'm a gardener that's kudos to your fan on that one. Or to your audience on that yes, I garden indoor and outdoor I love growing cannabis. Especially I like popping up from seed I've The reason why I like growing cannabis is because it's such a key plant really communicates with you you know when needs water you know when it needs nutrients you just have to watch it and look at it in such a good plan to learn from but I will grow anything I've men's just noticed my artichokes actually coming back through the weather's nice wenli here in Vegas. I've got a hydroponics garden going in my living or my plant room which is a debit tomato plants was going wild oregano I love growing a lot of my own herbs and stuff because I like to make my own teas but I literally if I can if I get a seat I'll try to grow it I love gardening

Nick VinZant 21:18

your favorite marijuana right now

Alexis Fawx 21:23

favorite I guess probably favorite strains with their asking

Nick VinZant 21:27

I think that's mean yeah yeah well

Alexis Fawx 21:32

yeah it's funny and they all have such weird names anymore like you know I just people give me a lot of weed so I smoke when I'm given

Nick VinZant 21:44

just because that's

Alexis Fawx 21:47

where it kind of goes along with the podcast and the comedy show because it is cannabis friendly and so people would like to get you know me promote them on my show or have them I don't have me try it out promote their item but as far as strains go like I've just I don't even pay attention really anymore I kind of like pay attention to say okay, I look at the terpenes and I look at like what I've been told and and kind of go by that like okay well I wouldn't want this to make me a little bit more hungry or I want this to make me a little more tired or or depends if I'm being creative I might you know want to go more to diva dominant and that's more just I don't know there's I don't really, as far as naming strains I went through like a Sunday driver. That was my favorite for a while I went through a whole kick of Sunday driver. But and then there's jack and it was like old school.

Nick VinZant 22:36

Ah, that's pretty much all the questions I got is are kind of anything that you think we missed, or what's coming up next for you.

Alexis Fawx 22:43

Um, well, I mean, definitely go out and buy my coffee Hi, AF coffee calm. We're collabing again with the another beer astronomy l works here in Vegas. We're tapping the keg on October 16 at corys, which I'm really excited about. But yeah, and our first beer went did so well. We're going to be canning it. So my coffee is going to be on part of a can of beer, which is really neat. I never thought that was going to happen. But it did. I don't know like like i said i'm My dream is just keep popping up and coming true. So I'm pretty darn happy. Yeah, and check out our podcast