Profoundly Pointless

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Adult Film Star Lexi LunaLexi

Lexi Luna is a teacher. First she taught in schools, now she teaches on-camera. Educating men about sex and women about empowerment. Go behind the scenes as we talk adult films, OnlyFans and the secrets of pornography algorithms. Then, try not to get “caught” as we countdown and new Top 5.

Lexi Luna: 01:53ish

Pointless: 40:54ish

Top 5: 56:44ish   (Lexi Luna Website) (Lexi Luna OnlyFans) (Lexi Luna Twitter)  (Lexi Luna Instagram) (Lexi Luna Cam) (Text Lexi Website)

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Interview with Adult Film Star Lexi Luna

Nick VinZant 0:11

Hey everybody, welcome to Profoundly Pointless. My name is Nick VinZant coming up in this episode, adult films, only fans and times you don't want to get caught.

Lexi Luna 0:22

And then once I started transitioning more into mainstream porn, my fans were very excited because they're like I really loved your feet but I really likes you to get back to. Now the reason that there is so much taboo in porn is because that is what people are searching. We are making porn specifically based on the Google searches the Pornhub searches searches by gender searches by age group searches by everything, it seems as though we are going towards more censorship 100% of the time, but sex workers prevail, and we are used to being censored and finding away Because ultimately, the product we have is so good that it won't ever go away. You can never censor it to the point where it's gone.

Nick VinZant 1:09

I want to thank you so much for joining us. If you get a chance, like download, subscribe, share, we really appreciate it really helps us out. So our first guest is a teacher. She used to be an elementary school teacher. But now she educates people in a different way. Teaching men about sex, and women about empowerment. This is adult films, and only fan star Lexi Luna, two quick notes. One, I kind of messed up my portion of the audio just a little bit. And two, only fans recently had some big news that I felt like we had to talk about first. And then we'll get into the rest of the interview, which is just absolutely fascinating. Normally, we wouldn't necessarily start this way. But I think with some news that came down yesterday, we kind of have to when you look at what only fat only fancies decided to do, what's your reaction to that?

Lexi Luna 2:03

Honestly, it's kind of a shelter in place reaction, because we don't actually know what's going on. And there hasn't been all that much, you know, told to us by only fans, there's not been an email sent out to creators, there's only been this article. So we don't really know anything. So I'm just kind of continuing business as normal. And making sure that my email list is strong, and my fans know how to reach me in case something happens. But right now, it's a lot of speculation. And I really don't want to, like feed into that any more than we need to. Because, you know, there are a lot of creators who will who stand to lose a lot. And without knowing what the official word is. fear mongering isn't gonna get us very far.

Nick VinZant 2:48

Quick little follow up on that side. Like, I guess thing that for me kind of looking at it from the outside is I don't get it. Yeah. Like, it seems like this is McDonald's ban banning hamburgers in some way. I mean, I don't think you are overly dramatic, but like, why what's what would be the reason in your mind.

Lexi Luna 3:07

So the reason this is happening is because MasterCard is pushing them. The payment processing for adult, anything is tricky. And that's really what it comes down to is the these, you know, evangelical groups, shall we call them are pressuring MasterCard to do this and to get rid of what they assume is something immoral and illegal, which it's not. Either of those things is just, you know, people have different paths. And you would think that such Christian people would be able to understand that not everybody does the same thing. And not everybody's interested in the same things. And that that's okay. And then we should embrace people anyway. But it seems like you know, in the adult industry, in the porn world, we are a lot more accepting of people, whether they're the same as us are different from us, then a lot of these groups are and you know, their entire mission is to get rid of internet porn, which is futile, it's never gonna happen. We're not going anywhere, we're just gonna build another platform somewhere else and people will come to us. So really what this comes down to is payment processing and MasterCard being told to figure it out because there are a lot of instances of things that shouldn't be happening on these sites as well. But that's not what the majority of this is.

Nick VinZant 4:21

Looking way down the road because we haven't quite scheduled like when this episode is going to come out. But is this such a thing? like okay, only fans shuts down? We just move here. Is this really going to be a long is this really going to be that big of a thing moving forward?

Lexi Luna 4:37

Um, yes. And no, I mean, you know, a lot of a lot of companies are kind of looking at this like, Okay, well, what what is the next move? Where is the industry going? And there are so many of these companies now, you know, only fans really blew up, especially during quarantine when people were lonely and didn't have, you know, anything else to do and the government was supplying a lot of extra money to people to be able to live and the first thing people are gonna spend money on is the thing To make them feel good, and that's porn, you know, because we're all in survival mode. So we were all trying to comfort ourselves in some way. And a lot of people found comfort talking to us. And you know, getting a little bit more of like a social piece on that. But you know, looking down the road, who knows, I don't know which platform I'm going to just yet, you know, I'm weighing my options, I know that my fans will follow me just about anywhere I take them. But I know that's not true for a lot of performers, especially people who are pretty new to the industry, you know, this is my sixth year in adult. And I just have a different perspective, I have a different fan base. And I know that I'm secure. But I don't know what payment processing is going to look like, if if this is a precedent that MasterCard has set, how many more sites will get hit with, I don't want to process your payment anymore. And if people can't use their credit cards, they're certainly not going to, you know, participate in, in a different way. I mean, they're talking about age verification, uploading IDs for the users, and for the performers. And I just don't see a lot of people, consumers wanting to put their identification picture of them holding their identification into a system like that, not for porn.

Nick VinZant 6:09

Yeah, I don't really like, Look, I am a American male and have all this general proclivities that an American male has, but I'm, I'm not going on to Pornhub with a picture of me holding my ID, that's

Lexi Luna 6:23

not gonna happen. Like, it's crazy. And you know, but if MasterCard says, This is what you have to do, nobody's gonna do it. So it just naturally dissolves. So then they don't seem like the bad people, even though they absolutely are.

Nick VinZant 6:34

You mentioned that you got started six years ago, how did that come about? Like what made you get into the industry,

Lexi Luna 6:39

I was really tired of what I was doing in the education world, I taught kindergarten through fourth grade for five years prior to my parlay into the adult world. And you know, I taught over two different school, or two different states, I taught so low socioeconomic, high socioeconomic, I taught charter schools, I taught in public schools, I tried a little bit of everything in five years. And ultimately, after five years of experience, I was making $35,000 a year, which is barely enough to live. So I kind of just got fed up with the whole, the harder you work, the less money you make in education mantra, and I had been dabbling in the fetish world a little bit here and there. And I've gotten with a really great group of people who taught me a lot. And I learned a lot about how to do different fetish acts like impact play, I learned about different fetishes. And that's kind of how I got into this, like, mindset of this is really cool. And this is a part of myself, I would have never discovered had I not, you know, gone to this club and met these people. And then it became more of like, a, okay, well, on Fridays, I have classes and maybe I'd be interested in going to see one of those classes to see because, you know, I'm an educator, and I love to learn and, you know, let's, let's see what, what's behind this a little bit more. So it just kind of naturally led me to be on a website called fetlife. And I got approached there for some did recruiter and they told me, you know, the whole Oh, you can make so much money, which like I see through that I'm 26 at the time. So this is not like you can't romance me with the numbers because I actually am thinking logically about what this could potentially be. It felt very credible. And I felt like, Okay, this is a real industry. This isn't just somebody trying to, like, get a mass group of people to do a scam or something like that. And this was in April that I got approached, and I was like, school's over in May, like I could do this over the summer. And then if it doesn't work out, I could just start again, teaching and it doesn't work, right, looking back. Like that's just not how it's gonna work, right? Um, so I was like, whatever, I was the most junior teacher, my contract didn't get renewed for the next year because I was very expendable to them. And it kind of left me with this, like, Okay, this is it. This is like, every path is cleared for me to do this. I don't have a job next year. And I really am not upset about it. And so I was like, fuck it. I'll take I'll take the leap, you know, big risk, big reward. And I did my first deed June 3, and I never looked back

Nick VinZant 9:10

was was the first scene what she thought it would be like,

Lexi Luna 9:13

nothing at all. Like what do I thought it would be like, first of all, it was for a company that is very heavy BDSM but like the females are in charge, like it's very femme Dom oriented. And it was like strap on play. It was beating a slave and a latex dress like it was a lot. But it wasn't new to me because again, my experience in the kink world and learning all these things made it possible for me to even be able to do that safely with somebody else.

Nick VinZant 9:39

When would you say that you kind of went mainstream.

Lexi Luna 9:42

I'm not too long after that. I did focus more on the fetish side of things for a little while because it's kind of where I was comfortable. I was familiar with foot fetish. I was familiar with domination. I was familiar with all these different pieces. And a lot of people who were brand new to the industry aren't necessarily that familiar with it. They just kind of do what the director says. But that's kind of where I started showing my personality and kind of capturing my fans. And then once I started transitioning more into mainstream porn, my fans were very excited because they're like, I really loved your feet. But I really likes you to get back to you know, that's naturally. But yeah, it just, it was such an easy transition. For me, I feel like fetish kind of cushion the blow a little bit to like this big leap. And I felt like I was much a part of a much smaller community inside of this adult industry. So it really was, I think the perfect transition for me to go from one to the other.

Nick VinZant 10:42

Kind of makes sense. I honestly don't know what impact play is. But I would imagine that if you're kind of at this level, it's easier to to go down to this level, so to speak, in the mainstream.

Lexi Luna 10:54

Impact is anything like hitting like, oh, whipping anything that makes an impact? Oh,

Nick VinZant 11:00

that makes sense. That makes sense.

Lexi Luna 11:03

And it's there's a big variety, when you really think about how many different things you can use to make impact there. The toys are really like there's a there's a fetish about that. And like the leather and all the different things that these toys are made of. I haven't I have alligator whips. I have rubber, Spanx, lagers, I have a lot of different types of stuff. And that's also kind of the fun part is like having tools. And you know, me as a teacher, like, I love office supplies, and it's kind of the same thing, like those are the office supplies of the fetish world. It was really fun. And you know, it like gave me something else to do. And that's something that was like, exciting to learn about. And I think that's really where this all stems from is that I'm just curious.

Nick VinZant 11:47

So here comes like the person viewing it from the outside kind of right. But did you ever regretted like, because it doesn't seem like once you take this step?

Lexi Luna 11:56

There's no going back? Right? At the beginning, I don't think I realized that there was no going back. I didn't realize how quickly and how massively like you are out there. There is no reeling it back in. Like, once you've decided to be on the internet, you are on the internet there. There's you know, and once I click it was probably like in the first month I was a roller coaster where I'm like, Oh, my gosh, what did I do? Do I really want to do this am I going to be successful, because ultimately, there's no guarantee that you're successful, there's no guarantee people like you, or your brand, or what you do. And there's a lot of, there's a lot of potential that you'll get harassed, and there's a lot of potential that you know, you'll never be able to hold a regular job. She says an air quotes, again, because this stuff is really easy to find, especially if you do a lot of it. And to do to be successful, you have to do a lot of it. So it was a little bit at the beginning, I was a little unsure. But then once I started like being like, fuck it, I'm owning this, I'm doing this, I'm making a business out of this, I want nothing to do with anybody who isn't supportive. And like, this is my life, I get to make my choices, I am responsible for my happiness, not somebody else. And once I got to this, like peace of empowerment, then it just like there was no stopping me. And you know, five years, six years later Now I'm has 100% happy with what I've done. I can't wait to continue doing more and figuring out the nuances of this industry because boy, does it change often. And the ebbs and flows. And it's exciting, but it's also secure. Like, I know, this isn't going anywhere. Nobody can take this from me. And I think that a lot of people can't say that about their job.

Nick VinZant 13:37

Good for you. Thanks. For you. I guess that is one kind of question. We were talking about a little bit like no going back from the only fans perspective, and I wanted to hear what you had to think about this. Because look, here I am, you know, middle aged 3030 year old guy, my What is my What do I know about this kind of stuff. But I kind of wondered like, for for people who got into it during the pandemic and were on only fans were was suddenly so accessible? Do they really know what they were getting into?

Lexi Luna 14:08

Right? I don't think so. Because I don't think they saw it as being on the internet. They're not on Pornhub. So they're not porn stars. But your content is on the internet. And people have probably already stolen it and put it on a tube site and are making money off of you. Like that's the reality of being in porn. My content that I make today is stolen tomorrow. And because I have ways to track my content, I know where it's going. And I can take it down DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act, is the protection within the United States that allows me to say hey, that person has a video of me that's my content, take it down, and the website has to comply. So that's a little bit of like the protection legal side of this. But that doesn't matter in Europe. That doesn't matter in other countries because this is an issue erican law, you know, and people are viewing you all over the world, places you don't even know. So, you know, it's I don't think they knew what they're getting themselves into dabbling a little bit to supplement your income is not really how sex work works. Like this is kind of an all or nothing thing, especially with the age of the internet. Maybe there was a time when porn stars were the girls that were on VHS tapes, and that was like, they were like, wow, unattainable. But now we are accessible. We are your friends, we can together, we spend hours a week together, talking getting to know each other. This is a relationship. And I think that that is the part that more junior content creators haven't learned yet or haven't realized, is kind of what makes this interesting and what makes them have a job.

Nick VinZant 15:51

Do you like that aspect of we'll use only fancy as an example. But whatever this platform like evolves into, do you like that aspect of it more where you're kind of interacting with people more? Or do you like it more where Hey, I make this video, I put it on the internet, I cash my check. I mean, obviously, I'm oversimplifying, but like, what are those, which I love,

Lexi Luna 16:09

I love connecting with my fans, I always tell people that lexy Luna doesn't exist without fans, like my persona, my character doesn't exist if people don't consume it. And the way that people consume it is by feeling a connection. I mean, that's what humans do. And because I feel 100% empowered, and 100%, like this is something I chose to do on my own terms, I love to connect with people who are like, I love your content gets me through tough times, you've really helped me during this depressed period of my life, like I get these kinds of feedback from people, and it's really, really fucking great that I can help people like that, because I was never able to help my students in a way that I can help these people. And my fans, because that's what that's just how the education system is mean, you know, you don't really get to help people, you just kind of get to maintain the status quo of what education means in America. So to me, it's been so rewarding to like, get the feedback. Because, yeah, when I was teaching, maybe in 15 years, a kid would come back and be like, Oh, you were so influential in my life? Maybe. But I get that kind of feedback from my fans daily. And it's really great.

Nick VinZant 17:24

Do you for the devil's advocate kind of question on that side, though? Do you ever feel like these people might be engaging in a relationship with you that they're never going to have in real life, right, like, because they might be creating fantasies in their head, like, hey, look, she's my friend, she told me Hi, today,

Lexi Luna 17:39

right? That's the part where is it, there's a fine line. And I am very upfront with all my fans. And I make sure that I'm constantly reminding them, I'm a fantasy. And this is really fun to dabble in this, but this is not something that is real, you know, and we can have this relationship, and we can do all these different things. And yeah, it is fun to sit on cam and shoot the shit and have inside jokes with the people who are on there, from the previous can sessions and all that kind of stuff. But ultimately, I cannot supplement a real in person relationship for them. And when, when or if I feel that that is starting to happen with a particular fan, I cut it off, because it's not fair. I'm I'm just not going to feel responsible for, you know, people just locking themselves in their house and talking to me online. Like there's a, there's definitely a piece of that, that I and that's my internal struggle is like kind of checking in and making sure that, you know, we're still doing this fantasy roleplay piece, and we're not actually creating a meaningful relationship that's going to come to pass.

Nick VinZant 18:43

Which one is generally more financially rewarding for you the only fans aspect that kind of an aspect, or is it for the more kind of mainstream producers kind of stuff,

Lexi Luna 18:54

it's tricky, because they're really interwoven, only fans is instant. Whereas working with bigger companies, I might make less money for the amount of time I put in, but they can also promote me in a much bigger scope than I can promote myself. So you know, for example, rozzers has millions of followers on Instagram, they put a picture of me and my scene that's coming out, I'm instantly my rank on Pornhub increases, because people are searching me because they're like, Oh, yeah, I love Lexi. Why haven't I looked at her stuff, let me go on Pornhub and search her. And that increases my rank, which increases my visibility, which increases my only fans revenue yet. And this is all kind of working together, which is why it's really important to diversify. And to make sure that not all your eggs are in one basket because things like this can happen. And you know, if something were to go away and you can no longer process payment as of October one, you know, you have to be prepared. You're running a business,

Nick VinZant 19:53

how many hours a day a week, whatever, however you want to define it like how much time would you put into it.

Lexi Luna 19:58

It's almost constant Not only do I manage the only fans, I also manage a texting and calling and video chatting platform called sex Panther at techflex, Luna calm. And it's, you know, the the text comes straight to my cell phone. So I am literally in touch with fans all day every day. There is no time where I'm not working. But my job doesn't feel like work. So it's really, it's really exciting to just be on call, but be in total control. If I wanted to shut it all down for a day, I absolutely could. But I don't need to because I don't feel stressed out by my job. I don't feel like I'm putting in 60 hours a week and getting nothing in return. So it's just to think that in my life, this has been the career that I've had the longest is just kind of crazy, like I'm 32. And I'm in my second career, and it's going really well. It's kind of nuts, isn't it? Right? Like I could never feel this way from education or education of children. I can feel this way educating adults, I teach guys how to lick pussy. I teach guys on how to have open relationships and how to communicate with their partners, and all these really important social skills that nobody ever teaches us. And I teach people that it's okay to want sex. Like that's a totally human normal thing. And we have been suppressed so much. And it's so taboo to be horny, like, get the fuck out of here.

Nick VinZant 21:22

Do you? Do you ever feel like though like, Okay, this 24 seven sex like Do you ever get just oh my god? Yeah. Does that ever get to do Sorry? Does it? Sorry, we I think we were both like, Well, yeah. But does it ever like, okay, does that affect your personal life? Or like, Look, I've done all this all day. I don't really feel like doing this right now, you know, is that does that take a toll on generally not only Europe, but like people who work in the same industry? Are you just worn out and like, a job becomes a job at some point, just don't want to do my job

Lexi Luna 21:56

when I'm not right job. To some degree. Yes. But also, it's not sex job all the time. Sometimes it's chitchat, and it's not sexual at all. Sometimes it's very sexual. Sometimes. It's actual penetration. Sometimes I'm on set for 12 hours, and it's just like, a really long fucking day. And yeah, that's when it kind of does feel like work. And it's like, Can we just say the lines to do the fucking and go home? Like, you know, so for sure, there are those times, but the benefits definitely outweigh the risks, and it's far more of the excited can't wait to come back to work. Part than it is the I'm exhausted and don't want sex part. You know, like, everybody gets tired for sure. But it's not always a physical tax. So it doesn't always feel like, you know, I don't know if that makes sense. It does. Right.

Nick VinZant 22:50

Like, it's not. How do I say this necessary? Right, like, it's not always just, I can't say this to another person who's not my wife. But it's not always just like, pounding away. Yeah, there's other parts too.

Lexi Luna 23:08

Right. Right. Right. And especially as a female, like, I can I consume sex in a different way. And I affect me differently than it affects a male counterpart. And, you know, that's also part of it. Like, I get a lot of the emotional and like, foreplay kind of stuff fulfilled, talking to my fans and knowing that, like, they're so into me, and this is like, that's hot to me. So it doesn't have to be sex to be sex.

Nick VinZant 23:36

Um, are you ready for some harder slash listener submitted questions? So I submitted questions. Okay, cool. We do we got some, um, what is your favorite kind of scene? What is your least favorite kind of scene?

Lexi Luna 23:49

Great question. My favorite kind of scene is a scene where I get to be what they call the instigator. I'm the woman in charge. I'm the one kind of pushing for the sex. I'm the one who's like, making making like the scenario happen the way that I want. So very empowering. Very, like exciting for me to just, you know, I don't know just put the pieces in play. Just Yeah,

Nick VinZant 24:13

just go for it. Right.

Lexi Luna 24:15

That's definitely fun. My least favorite kind of scene is any scene where I feel as though my scene partner or partners are not as interested as I am in like, either getting the job done or making a great scene or you know, whatever. And I I want to have everybody that I work with want to be there 100% and if they're giving off vibes that they're just like, I'm kind of only in this for the paycheck and don't get me if the camera's not rolling like I'm not into that.

Nick VinZant 24:48

So that's why I always kind of wondered and like, you see people having sex on camera and stuff like that, like are they generally kind of into it like are this is like okay, alright, seem to we're doing this stupid. As you know what to do, let's go with move it like,

Lexi Luna 25:03

it definitely depends, I bring a level of intimacy to my scenes before the scene starts, I talked to my scene partners. And I'm like, I, like tell them the things I like and don't like sexually and ask them for the same and like flirt a little bit and get, you know, get the juices going. And it's fun to, like, let's not take out the human element of this. It's fun to connect even for an hour when we're doing the scene. And it's, you know, I'm open to that I don't feel like it's disingenuous to have a short term connection. So I think I put a lot of performers at ease with that, because it's like, no, like, this can be fun, and we're gonna have a great day. And I think that's the teacher. And me, too, is like, making people feel comfortable. And, you know, welcome. So, yeah, I definitely think it depends on the people involved. But there is some acting involved. For sure, I guess. For sure, but it's also fun to act over act the like passion, because you know, it's gonna be so great when it comes out. And then that kind of feeds into the actual having the Pat actually having the passion to bring to the to the screen. So it's kind of like a cyclical for sure.

Nick VinZant 26:15

Your favorite title. Like the favorite title that you had, and it can be cheesy, or it can be actually good.

Lexi Luna 26:24

Okay, I'll give you one of my, my own videos that I've recorded. And then one of professional scene. My favorite one that I've come up with is a three way girl scene that I did in Hawaii, and it's called Maui, munching.

Nick VinZant 26:45

This is pretty good. Pretty good, right? Yes. That's an immediate thought is like that's the best pop as possible title that you could have come up with for that kind of. Now, you mentioned, there's no way to improve it.

Lexi Luna 27:00

Now. If there's not it's perfect as is. Yeah, I'm trying really hard to grasp that something really a different title. It's not there.

Nick VinZant 27:08

No, I don't even need to know anything about that. I know exactly what that is. Yeah. Any of the scenes into this another question any of the scenes that you have an outright like, you know, there's always the pizza delivery guy. Has any of that ever happened to you in real life?

Lexi Luna 27:27

Okay, so no, but yes, but no. It's not like a typical scenario, but I did seduce a girl is similar to the way that I have seduced girls in videos. When before I was ever in porn. I had no idea. But I didn't really like get the hint that she was dropping, because like, you know, I don't know anything about this. Like I'm newly in my sexual revolution. And it was a girl I met at one of the kink events that I went to, and we just started hanging out and she would like come over to my apartment and we would listen to like glass animals. so bad. But I ended up bucketed with a strap on and that was fun.

Nick VinZant 28:09

Yeah, and it's weird how people are always people, right? Like, you still can't pick up hints.

Lexi Luna 28:13

Nope, I am the worst at flirting. I do not know if anybody's ever interested in me. I like rarely look people in the eyes. I walked on the street like I'm so fucking shy, which is not at all what you would think if you saw my videos. But yeah, it's

Nick VinZant 28:28

this is like, so since she was just in here, my wife and I the other day we're trying to find like, just normal. Like, what would you call it? like normal? Not like, like sexual porn. Do they not make that on? Me theme? Yeah, right. Right guys pound out girl. Like, how can they stop making like, hey, a couple would like to enjoy this a couple. How come they stopped making let me

Lexi Luna 28:57

give you first of all a website that actually might do this for you. It's called Walesa. b e LL. e. s A. They do more of the like couple fun sweets romantical like I think that is more what you're looking for it now. The reason that there is so much taboo in porn is because that is what people are searching. We are making porn specifically based on the Google searches the Pornhub searches searches by gender searches by age group searches by everything like Pornhub breaks it the fuck down. They tell you what people are looking for what kind of search terms they're interested in. And how many of them milk number one category. Huge category just thank you American Pie. That's literally when it started. And ever since American Pie coined the term milk porn has been raking in the cash doing milk porn. And you know when you really think about it, we are just a reflection of society. So people are searching things like fucking your stepmom and fucking your stepsister and all that kind of stuff. That's because if you think about the family dynamics in American families, American households, there was a period of time where a lot of families were getting were transitioning, and there was a divorce. And then there was a new girlfriend, and then there was that girlfriends, kids, and now it's a blended family. And it doesn't seem wrong, because those aren't your relatives. So like, you know, when when you're in that developing age, and this happens to your family, the urges are there, and then that's very long lasting, like sex is a very powerful tool in our brains. So I don't think that it really goes away. So then that's always that like, dirty thing that makes you horny.

Nick VinZant 30:46

Are porn stars generally good at sex? Like you would say, like, Oh, yeah. Cuz you would think that they would be really good. But are they really good? Are they like the NBA the top of their game? People at it?

Lexi Luna 30:57

That's a great question. I think that's depends on the performer. I, when you look at porn, you see everything. That's not how real sex goes. So we are opening to the camera a lot so that you can see the penetration so that you can see all the action that's happening. So in. In real life, having sex with a porn performer, not on set is a great experience. having sex with a porn performer where you're constantly spread open, and in these awkward positions and showing your tits all the time. And like in these, like acrobatic positions, is not the best sex. Think about how much of sex you can actually see when you're having sex. Not a whole lot. So if you can see it, that means that there's separation between the people and there's, you know, light can enter and you can actually see what's happening. And because of that it makes for achieving orgasms very challenging, because it just doesn't feel super comfortable. Now, yes, we do come on set, because after a certain amount of fucking, like, your body's just gonna do it. There's just a point of no return where you're like, Alright, even though it's uncomfortable, we're going

Nick VinZant 32:07

to talk target enough, you're going to hit an event.

Lexi Luna 32:09

Exactly. I wouldn't say that. But I would say that any, any person who listens to their partner and pays attention to their partner is good at sex. That's what makes people good at sex. It's not that they're good at like, physically having sex. It's paying attention that makes for the best sex

Nick VinZant 32:30

partners. will will will people who work in the industry, will they like, watch other performers and be like, Oh, I really like what this person does there. I want each other's technique. Oh, fuck yeah,

Lexi Luna 32:41

that is how I learned to do what I do. There was that there comes a point where I'm like, okay, I don't I know, understand how she looks so fucking beautiful. And I feel like I'm like a hyena over here. You know, so you watch. And then the good male talent also knows how to position you and how to open you up and how to hold your arm. So you were just balancing on each other. And so you're not like, trying to hold yourself up and open. And like, there's definitely an art form to it. And but yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's tricky.

Nick VinZant 33:14

It's tricky. It's tricky. Oh, what is your most interesting fan request?

Lexi Luna 33:20

I have a fan who really likes for me to get on cam or do a custom video where I use a dildo, and it has to have balls. And I take my makeup brushes and my hair and I tickle his clock with it. So I'll take my makeup brushes, and I'll brush on the balls in the shaft and I'll say Tickle, tickle, tickle. And then I'll take my hair and I'll wrap it around the caulk and stroke it like a hair job. And that is probably my most interesting request.

Nick VinZant 33:47

You don't have to say their name. But on a scale of one to 10. Like let's say one is somebody who's like not famous at all. 10 we're talking about like, Tom Brady level famous. What level would you say is the most famous person who is trying to get into your direct messages? That's pretty good. That's a great question. That question. I love it. You can name names if you want to. Oh, no, no, I would never i i

Lexi Luna 34:21

i would say like a level six payments, but only once and it was kind of prompted by an event. So it wasn't like, it wasn't like they were trying to slide in and be like, hey, you don't you DTF right. But

Nick VinZant 34:36


Lexi Luna 34:36

yeah. Not not super famous. But I'm also like, I do not give off the vibe of slide into my DMS like at fucking all. And I think that it comes across. And you know, I've closed my DMS actually because unless I follow you, because I get a lot of spam.

Nick VinZant 34:56

Yeah, I had imagined that you would get quieter, quieter. have interesting messages that would come through.

Lexi Luna 35:03

Oh, hey, wait, I forgot to tell you my favorite title. That isn't my own. So I did this VR scene. And it was basically like, my new husband and his ex wife is having a garage sale of all his old shit. Because she's like selling off his stuff. Because you know, he's keep crossed her, and it is called a bargain bangin.

Nick VinZant 35:30

Have there ever been any instances though, where like you or somebody, you know, was getting ready to do a scene and you're like, this is this is too ridiculous. This is too ridiculous.

Lexi Luna 35:39

We take ourselves that seriously. And often the names aren't part of the script, like the they don't know ahead of time. Typically. Sometimes they do depends on the company. But you know, it's that's the thing. People are always like, Oh, just like in the porn title, or in the porn movies, like, like, everything's so ridiculous. It is ridiculous. That's what makes it fun. And that's like, do not take this too seriously, really don't like it's meant it is entertainment. It is a fantasy. And it's fun. And I think people sometimes are like, try to, you know, reach that reality piece a little too much. And that's when like, you're only hurting yourself. Because we're all just having fun naming lista

Nick VinZant 36:25

Do you think that there will be more censorship, censorship or less censorship in the future?

Lexi Luna 36:33

That's tricky, because it seems as though we are going towards more censorship 100% of the time, but sex workers prevail. And we are used to being censored and finding away Because ultimately, the product we have is so good that it won't ever go away. You can never censor it to the point where it's gone. And I think if politicians just teamed up with us, instead of trying to erase us and our voices, I think that would be a lot better for everybody involved and a lot safer. And it would, it could be regulated differently. You know, like, every, all of us also don't want under eight teams on our sites. 100%. Like, we are all on the same fucking page when it comes to that kind of thing. But taking away the incomes of sex workers, the way that some platforms have done is just there's no need for it, that it's just a malicious way to like run policy, and, you know, foster acesta, which is the legislation that has been really tricky for us as of late and, you know, I'd say in the last four years. It doesn't make sex works safer for anybody that the way that it claims. All it does is, you know, marginalize and ostracize people who aren't in the top 10% of porn performers or who aren't, you know, who are not online sex workers, their in person sex workers. So really, working with us would be a lot more beneficial to to society as a whole than working against us.

Nick VinZant 38:08

Why statement? Okay, big question. Okay, Tanya, send me this. Well, she didn't send me this question. But she mentioned this favorite Nintendo Switch game. Oh,

Lexi Luna 38:20

I had this really. I had this love affair with roller coaster tycoon, where you build a roller coaster theme park. And it's like, you build all the rides, and you build the shops and you get more people to come to your stuff. And you can watch them do all the rides and stuff. It's like, it's like, like watching this like maze of people like little ants in your park. And it's really cool. And you can pick people up and drop them other places. And I love it. But lately, I've really been into Mario Kart. And but I don't play online because like, I am not that good. And these kids online will fucking destroy me. And then they'll be like, you suck. I can't handle it. So I just played like a play by myself.

Nick VinZant 38:58

Mario or Mario or Zelda. Mario is in the game. It's

Lexi Luna 39:09

Poppy. And it's fun. And like I have I'm looking I'm in my living room add like seven different plush toys that are Mario and, like, I love the clean graphic design of it. And I really like that. It's like light hearted like, there aren't scary games. I'm not like, I'm not a gamer girl like I just, you know, I don't I can't handle too much stress. If my hands are sweating. I'm fucking done. Like I can't do

Nick VinZant 39:30

it. That's all the questions that I have. Is there anything else? You think we missed her kind of? Next for you.

Lexi Luna 39:36

Oh, man, I just finished a project called cusecs. It is it was a mainstream project where I got to play an 80s sex goddess and I suck people into my alternate dimension. It's really cool. It's unfoldment features. So hopefully gearing up for a second one, a second episode or third episode of that. I plan to maybe start filming Mainstream court I don't know, it's tough right now because you know, COVID, and testing and all that kind of stuff, we are all traveling or flying across the country to shoot and stuff like that. So it's just, I'm kind of staying put right now. But I am, you know, trying to figure out the next platform because as we know, October one, the porn part of the porn platform is departing swiftly. So I'm curious to hear what the actual statement is, and to see how this all happens. But right now just making content for my fans connecting with them. camming doing all the great stuff that I've always done, because ultimately, we got through it, we always do.